15 - I'm Sorry

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After a rather long and hot shower I get dressed in a fresh pair of clothes and venture off to the common room. Only König, Gaz, and Rudy are down there chatting and snacking. I join them but don't interrupt their conversation although I do casually listen while pretending to scroll through my phone.

They are discussing another field operation we have coming up. The Russians again apparently, the country we helped out recently requested our assistance once more. König mentions the briefing is scheduled for tomorrow morning and we'll leave Tuesday, which is in only four days.

"Ooh that reminds me, Price is playing with the idea of having you part of the actual fire team this time rather than a sniper." König says as he taps my head to gain my attention.

"Huh? Why?" I ask and look up at him as he is now standing next to where I sit on the sofa.

"Because you did excellent on the last mission. He thinks you'll be of better use this way at this particular location." He explains.

"Ooh okay. That's fine then." I shrug.

"Ooh, one more thing. I didn't know you were German?" He says in a questioning tone, referring to earlier.

"Well my last name is Kaiser." I shrug.

"I thought Price had mentioned you were Hispanic of some kind? And from Texas?" He asks.

"Well I'm not Hispanic but my parents and siblings are. I was adopted when I was like seven, from Germany." I explain.

"Ooh so you're like really German then." Gaz says.

"Yea, basically related to Hitler." I joke.

"Sheesh. I wouldn't be to proud of that background." Rudy laughs.

"I'm not. My birth parents were literal Nazis and got rid of me because I wasn't Aryan." I say.

"That's a twisted joke right?" König asks.

"I really wish it was." I respond.

"Ooh my." He gasps.

"I am quite glad they decided to do that though. I could never imagine having their beliefs so they quite possibly would have been awful parents anyway." I shrug and try to laugh off the small amount of trauma tied with that topic.

"Understandable. Definitely a good thing then." Rudy laughs.

König then walks back over to where he was sitting before and the three guys continue their discussion. I go back to my phone and after a few minutes I notice Ghost enter the room out of the corner of my eye. His gaze burns into me as he takes a seat next to Gaz. I can't help but begin to feel uncomfortable and end up leaving for my room after a minute.

Almost directly after I close my door there's a subtle knock. I furrow my brows in confusion as to who it could be and open the door. Ghost stands just outside, seeming annoyed as he locks eyes with me.

"No, go away." I groan and attempt to shut the door.

He firmly grabs the edge of it and pushes it open despite my struggles to close it then steps into my room. Only then does he allow the door to be shut and he turns to me with a glare.

"I'm done playing your childish games Kaiser. We need to fucking talk." He snaps.

My childish games? What is this man going on about?

"Pardon?" I ask.

"Using Soap against me? Real fucking immature." He scoffs.

"Completely ignoring me after manipulating me into giving you sex? Real fucking pathetic." I snap back.

Duty and Devotion// A Call of Duty; TF141 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now