22 - Hallucinations?

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Two weeks. I've been being held hostage by Graves for two weeks now. I've been counting the days as the go by agonizingly slow.

Every. Single. Fucking. Day. Graves comes in and does whatever he wants with my body.

He doesn't even try to ask questions anymore, he just comes in and takes out his frustrations and anger on me how ever he feels and then leaves.

I don't even react anymore. My body has gone numb to his abuse. No more tears fill my eyes, only a cold, dead, blank stare. No more emotions flood my body. No more thoughts in my head. Nothing.

I don't sleep either. It's been nearly four days since I've allowed my eyes to close. I'm definitely beginning some psychosis from the sleep deprivation. My head feels fuzzy and I swear sometimes I hallucinate things.

I am currently sitting slumped in the far corner of the dark room, waiting for Graves to inevitably return for more of his fun. I force my heavy eyes to stay open while I subconsciously pick at my nails and the skin around them.

Suddenly the metal door slams open with a loud and heavy thud. I don't react despite how surprising this action was, assuming it's only Graves in another pissed off mood. I continue staring at my hands, completely zoning out.

The sound of heavy steps rush toward me and stop directly in front of where I sit on the floor. The boots look familiar and far too big to be Graves. I look up out of mild curiosity and find König towering over me, his body blocks all of the light that pours into the room from the hall. His eyes seem to be filled with a mixture of rage and terror beneath his hood.

I look back down to my hands without a single hint of any reaction as I just assume it to be a vivid hallucination from the lack of sleep. Next thing I know he is bending down to lift me up into his arms. I still can't tell if any of this is real or if I'm truly just delusional.

"Es ist alles in Ordnung, Schatz. (It's alright, sweetheart) I'm here. You're safe." His voice chimes in a gentle and calming tone.

He begins walking out of the room and down the brightly lit hallway, cradling me in his arms. My body is limp against his, still no sign of emotion or even life other than my breathing heart and shallow breaths.

As we near the main corridor of the building loud voices start to be heard just outside. Aggressive shouting from familiar voices. A familiar Scottish accent is heard clearly first.

"Where the fuck is she? Tell and maybe I won't blow your fucking brains out!"

As König walks through the heavy double doors to the outside a figure kneels on top of another, holding a gun to their head as they shout. My vision is blurred so I can't quite make out the details.

"Soap. Soap! I've found her!" König shouts.

Soap snaps his head towards us as König stands in the doorway, still holding me tightly. He immediately reaches for his radio to inform the others of König's findings and yanks off his jacket to drape it over my mostly bare body.

All I can do is stare blankly at Soap for a moment before turning to bury my face into König's chest. We begin moving again, the sound of a helicopter in the distance getting louder with each step. Then more shouting. Not so much angry more sounding fearful. Several sets of heavy steps approach us quickly before I hear the voice I prayed to hear again for days.

"Kaiser?! Madison! Bloody fucking hell!"

Ghost sounds entirely distraught and suddenly I feel a pair of strong yet shaky hands pull me from König. I look up to see who I've been passed to and find Ghost staring back down at me, tears pooling in his eyes. He holds me tight against his body and slowly my body allows me to feel again.

I feel the warmth of his body against mine. His breath against my neck as he presses his face to my shoulder. His fingers as they gently run through my knotted hair. The way his entire body trembles as he tries not to cry.

He drops to his knees, still holding me against his chest. A soft whimper slips out from his mouth, muffled by his mask and my shoulder.

The helicopter gets closer now, it's landing in the field just behind us. Ghost struggles to stand again while holding me but still manages. He then quickly walks towards the aircraft.

A feeling of safety and comfort fills my body now, replacing the numbness. I feel myself finally relaxing for the first time in weeks and I'm overwhelmed with exhaustion.

Ghost climbs into the helo, never setting me down. He sits in one of the seats and continues to hold me as tight as he can, whispering gentle words as he plays with my hair.

By the time everyone else boards the helicopter and we take off I find myself drifting into a much needed sleep. My mind and body finally feeling peace. No longer fearing what will happen next or who will harm me again. No longer afraid to close my eyes.

Duty and Devotion// A Call of Duty; TF141 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now