07 - Sparring

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The hour I had to prepare for sparring with my new teammates goes by quicker than I'd like and I'm now currently on my way to the field the training will be held. I happen to be the last to arrive, probably because I couldn't find the damn place for a good ten minutes. As I'm walking up I see König point in my direction, probably letting Price know I'm finally here.

"Sorry! Couldn't find the field for the life of me." I apologize as I walk up to the group.

I quickly realize that it's only our unit so I'm the only girl here. Huge disadvantage for me, yay.

"It's alright. You're still technically on time." Price laughs. "Now, before you ask, the reason for this last minute training session on a Saturday is because I recently got word that we will be deploying for a field operation in a little less than two months and I have still try to see any of Kaiser's abilities other than sniping." He adds, now addressing all of us.

A few of the guys groan in response and Soap playfully yells at me.

"Damn it Kaiser! You better know what your doing so we don't have to do this again."

"I mean, I have been sort of trained for close quarters hand to hand combat." I say with a nervous laugh.

"What in bloody hell do you mean by sort of?" Gaz asks.

"I mean, my Sergeant at the time did train me but not nearly as much as the other marines because I rarely had a close encounter like that since I'm a sniper, and previously a radio operator, I always has a lookout who was basically a guard dog." I shrug.

"Ooh god. We're going to be training every day." Rudy whines while pretending to cry.

"Okay, let's just see what we're working with." Price sighs.

He of course makes me go first and puts me against Soap. I do my best to boost my own confidence by talking shit and being a little cocky.

"Ready to get your ass kicked by a girl?" I say with a smile as we both put on the protective gear we were given.

"You're like five two. You don't exactly intimidate me." He laughs.

"I'm five four actually." I say and give him a dirty look.

He just shrugs before swinging a left hook towards my damn head. Thankfully I was blessed with cat like reflexes and I easily duck and land a quick hit to his ribs.

"Shit, I was not expecting you to be so fucking fast. Okay. I got you now." He laughs as he holds his abdomen.

I laugh a little and when he swings again he catches me off guard and actually lands a solid hit to the side of my head. I stagger back and try my best to recover quickly but the hot was hard and I'm genuinely not used to even sparring with guys.

I shake my head and quickly step closer, almost to his side so I can land a kick to the back of his knee and bring him down to my level. He drops to his knees with a grunt of pain and attempts to punch me in the stomach but I block the hit and grab his arm. From there I quickly pull his arm behind his back and push him to the ground so he's on his stomach.

"Make sure you finish the job Kaiser!" Price yells out.

"Usually I would slit their throat with a knife at this point sir." I respond as I kneel on Soap's back to keep him down.

"Well you don't have a knife. Only your hands. What would you do then?"

"Choke hold? But I think I'm too small for that with him?"

"Try it. Figure it out. He'll tap out if he needs to."

I shrug and pull Soap back up to his knees and pretty much wrap myself around him in a koala hold. I tightly wrap an arm around his neck and brace it with my other arm. He struggles to get free because of the stance and eventually ends up tapping out.

I let go and stand up surprised to be victorious and Soap gasps for air for a moment before also standing to his feet.

"No shit. Soap just got beat by a girl almost half his size." Gaz laughs.

"I one hundred percent let her win." Soap scoffs.

"No you did not. You were heavily struggling." König laughs.

From there Price goes through the rest of us. Making sure everyone has been paired together at least once. To everyone including myself I was shocked at how many matches I actually won. I was able to take down all of them except König and Ghost. Both of them had me on my ass in less than two minutes.

By the time we actually finish and Price dismisses us it's dark, roughly 2100. We are all exhausted and starving so as soon as we all get back to the barracks most of us end up in the kitchen looking for food and water.

After eating and hydrating we all hang out for a while in the common room and around 2300 I decide it's time for me to go to bed.

I make my way upstairs and choose to shower away all the dirt and sweat from the day before climbing into my cozy and warm bed to slowly drift off into a well needed sleep.

Duty and Devotion// A Call of Duty; TF141 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now