19 - Shadow

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After about two hours of us flying we finally land on top of another building somewhere. I'm once again aggressively ripped up and dragged into the building.

I now put up a fight as soon as we get off of the helicopter and try to break free from my captures. However this only seems to annoy them as they stop for a moment and one turns to look at me.

"Get your fucking hands off of me." I spat as I glare at this man.

"Will you just shut the fuck up? You lost so just give up already." The guys says and shakes his head.

I respond by spitting in his face which earns me are hard knee to the stomach.

"Stupid bitch. Move." He snaps and begins dragging me away once more.

We make our way down to the first floor and back to an office. One of the men knocks and waits for a response before they open the door and push me inside. The force makes me stumble and fall to me knees and with my hands still cuffed behind my back I can't catch myself so I promptly fall on my face.

"What the fuck is this?" A man's voice asks from in front of me.

"A present." One of the men who brought me says and yanks my head up by my hair.

"Do I look like I have time for a whore right now?" The other man snaps.

"No so it's a good thing that's not what we brought."

"Then what exactly am I looking at?"

"I believe, sir, this is the newest member of the 141."

The man in front of us now drops the stack of papers he was reading and looks up to actually see me. He squints his eyes and stares at me for a moment before getting up from his desk and walking over to where I am knelt on the ground.

"Uncuff her." The man says as he now kneels in front of me.

I keep me head down, my hair covering most of my face, and avoid looking at this man entirely.

"You sure? She's a bit feisty." The other one says.

"Are you questioning my orders right now?"

"Ooh uhm no sir."

I'm beginning to gather that whoever this guy in front of me is in charge. Is it possible that this is Graves, the leader of the Shadow Company?

The guy behind me quickly kneels down to my level and removes the handcuffs. I instantly pull my hands forward and rub my wrists. There's a few different slashes on my wrist due to how tight the cuffs were and how forcefully I was being dragged around by my arms.

The man in front of me now stands and from the corner of my eye I notice he keeps his hand lowered and gestures with two fingers for me to stand up.

"Up. Now." He says.

I reluctantly do as told and stand. I continue to keep my head down and avoid any eye contact. He then gently tilts my chin upwards using a knife I hadn't even realized he had until now. I now hold a challenging gaze with this man. I do my best to not falter and stand my ground.

After brief calculations I decide to at least attempt to run. Feeling the presence of the other man close behind me I throw my head back, making solid contact with his nose and making him stagger backwards. Merely seconds after I snatch the knife from the man in front of me and turn to swiftly drive it into the other man's neck. I then immediately try to run only to be ripped back by my hair. I try to swing the blade but the pain from my scalp causes me to become a little disoriented and I miss. The man knocks the knife from my hand, still holding a firm grip on my hair at the roots.

I throw my hands up in surrender as he holds my head down at waist height. I hear the click of a gun being cocked near my head and it sends a wave of panic through my body.

"Alright! Okay! I'm done! I swear!" I shout.

"Good choice hun. I have absolutely no problem pulling this trigger and plastering your brains on the wall behind you." The man says and rips my head back so I'm standing straight and forced to look at him.

He keeps his grip firm on the back of my head and we are only inches from each other now.

"What's your name gorgeous?" He asks with a slight smirk.

"Kaiser. Madison Kaiser." I say after a moment of hesitation.

"Well, miss Kaiser, I'm Phillip Graves. You'll soon come to learn that I am going to be your biggest nightmare." He says in a low voice.

"I've heard of you. More of an annoying pest than a nightmare." I say with a smug smirk.

"Who told you that?" He asks, seeming very offended.

"Everyone I know who knows you." I shrug.

"It was Ghost and Soap wasn't it? Smug little assholes always underestimate me." He scoffs.

"Was it really an underestimation though?" I laugh.

My question makes him grip my hair tighter as he glared at me for a minute before using his hold on my head to pull me backwards. He then grabs my arm and pushes me out the door of the office.

I am lead down more stairs to the basement and to a back room with a heavy metal door lined with different types of locks. The hall is filled with armed guards as well, similar to a high security prison or something. He shoves me into the room making me fall to my hands and knees.

"I'll be back for you later." He growls just before slamming the door shut.

I hear each of the locks click before the room falls silent. My ears ring from the lack of noise and I stay on the ground in the middle of the small room with my knees pressed against my chest and my head down.

Duty and Devotion// A Call of Duty; TF141 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now