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I noticed something. After I realized that I actually have a crush on Park Jihoon, the coincidence of me meeting Park Jihoon, other than our soccer practice, increased significantly. There's a time when Park Jihoon suddenly came to my classroom because he helped our Mathematics teacher carrying her stuff. The other time, he's looking for some books for his class at the library when my class is currently at the library for our English Language class. For this whole week, I noticed that we bumped into each other very often in the hallway. 

I know it very well that I'm not purposely going to the place where Park Jihoon is currently at. But I always saw him every time, everywhere. Is it because I'm being overly conscious around Jihoon that I can easily detect him wherever, whenever? I don't know. But every time I saw him, my heart, as always, would make a very weird thump sound. It's so annoying and uncomfortable for me. It makes me more annoyed because the person who caused this didn't even have any idea what he had done. It makes me frustrated.

"You have been sighing a lot," I turned to my left. It's just Yeonjun. I sighed again. "What is it?"

"Nothing. There's just too many things in my mind. I can't really sort it," I said. "Do we always want to avoid seeing someone we like?"

"Why? Did you make them mad? Or do you make any mistake that makes you afraid that they'll hate you?" Yeonjun asked. "If not, you might just be shy. But Choi Hyunsuk being shy? I don't know. That's unexpected,"

If liking someone is a mistake, it's probably it? Maybe because I just realized that I like Jihoon, I started to want to avoid him even more than before. Is it because I don't want him to notice my feelings toward him? But for me to keep noticing him everywhere I go, makes me want to hide right away. Still, I tried my best not to act ridiculous so I pretended to be cool and just casually smiled at him when our eyes met. That's the next problem. When I smiled at him after our eyes met, he'd definitely smile back at me. And seeing his smile make my heart pounded uncontrollably fast and loud that make me worry if anyone can hear it. And that makes me want to hide again.

"But, wait! Do you have someone you like?" Yeonjun asked.

"Seems like it," I said.

"Wow! Finally! You become a human! You finally have human emotion! Everyone! Please congratulate Choi Hyunsuk for finally turning into a human!" Yeonjun cheered. I literally slapped my forehead at my friend's act. The students who walked past us are looking at us weirdly. I know that he's a crazy type but yeah. It's embarrassing every now and then when he shows his crazy side.

"Shut up, you crazy," I whispered.

"Then? What are you going to do?" Yeonjun asked.

"I don't know. I feel like I need to stop having these feelings. It's really uncomfortable," I said.

"Seriously, Choi Hyunsuk? Don’t you want to be with the person you like? You don’t want the person you like to know how you feel toward them? Imagine if they also share the same feeling as you are. Won’t it be great?” Yeonjun asked. Will it be great? Like, do people even care about it? Well. If Yeonjun cared about it, probably most people would.

“I just want to stop feeling uncomfortable. You’re not even in my shoes,” I said. “You should be grateful that I’m already becoming a human,”

“Ugh! Whatever,” Yeonjun rolled his eyes. “Ah! Before I forgot. The coach said that he probably won’t be here today so the practice is canceled today. He’ll announce it in the group chat as well later,”

“Oh. Okay. Thanks,” I said.

“I’m leaving. See you later,” Yeonjun said before he left. As I watched Yeonjun walk away, my eyes caught Jihoon’s presence walking the opposite way. I quickly looked away. Enough of the coincidence meeting today, I won’t see him anymore after school because we have no practice today.

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