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"Did you see it? The Chainsaw Man movie is going to air soon," I heard the person who sit at the table behind me said. Chainsaw Man? I feel like I've heard the name before. I took out my phone and looked it up. Oh. It's an anime. It's the one Jihoon has been talking about when the series was still ongoing last year. He also talked about it several times, before when the movie started to air in Japan. He said that he wanted to watch it when the movie was already being aired here. It will be in the cinema starting next Friday. I downloaded the poster and shared it with Jihoon.

And as expected, Jihoon will read it right away. Isn't it still his work time? He probably is currently using his phone and received the message I sent by chance. I asked him if he wanted to watch the movie. Jihoon replied that of course he wanted to watch it. He's still typing something but suddenly I received another message. I exited the chatroom and opened the new message that I just received. It's one of my clients that I am supposed to have a meeting with today, Kibum. He's confirming the location because he's just arrived at the neighborhood. I sent my current location to Kibum and waited. I saw Jihoon sent me a new message. Before I could read it, Kibum called me. I answered his call.

“Yes, Kibum-nim?” I asked.

“I just entered the cafe you shared the location with. Where are you sitting?” Kibum asked. I looked at the entrance. It should be that guy who wore the black jacket who’s using his phone.

“I’m white shirt and blue vest. I’m at your right? Are you wearing a black jacket?” I asked while still looking at the male who wore the black jacket.

“Yes. Yes. That’s me,” Kibum said. It seems like he saw me and walked toward me. “Hi, Choi Hyunsuk-nim. I’m Kim Kibum,”

“Nice to meet you, Kim Kibum-nim,” I said. We had our meeting about the gig he proposed to me through email. His company is going to hold an event and asked me to be their photographer and videographer as well as asking me to do the promoting video for that particular event as well. Right after the meeting ended, I opened my phone. Jihoon texted me when I’m free so he could buy the ticket. Maybe because I haven't replied to him, he asked me if I was busy. I typed that I'm going to meet him at his place and proceed to walk to Jihoon's apartment complex. He's going to clock out in like 30 minutes so I won't be waiting too long even if I arrived there early.

As soon as I reached Jihoon's apartment unit, I realized that I didn't know his passcode. Maybe because I rarely come to his place. Or maybe because whenever I'm going to his place, he is already waiting for me outside. Jihoon on the other hand, even though he already knew my door's passcode, he'd always ask me first whenever he arrived. I was always busy, I didn't wait for him when he told me that he's coming over. That's how different we treat each other. But surprisingly, we're still fine with that even after years.

I looked at the time on my phone. Jihoon is supposed to have already finished working. I put on my airpod and turn on some music while waiting. After a while, I saw Jihoon at the end of the hallway. He's finally arrived.

“Jihoonie is home~,” I said as soon as I saw Jihoon. He walked toward me with a worried face. Is he alright? “Are you alright?”

“I am the one who should ask you that question. Are you alright? Why are you out here? In front of my door? Why didn't you tell me that you’re coming? I can just give you my passcode or something. Look at you, hyung. You’re shivering. You should wear a thicker jacket. What happened to your favorite fur jacket?” He asked. He’s worried about me? I thought he’s too busy to answer my message and come home as fast as he could. Oh! I just realized that I haven’t checked my phone yet since I left the cafe earlier.

“I came here right after my meeting with a client. And it was not that cold when I went out earlier,” I told him. It was still quite warm when I left the cafe though. I didn’t expect that it would be this cold. It is still bearable though. “I did send you a message that I’m coming to your place. You haven't replied to me yet,"

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