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"What took you so long to answer the phone? I almost reported it to the police," Yena said as soon as I answered her call. I only answered it after I finished taking a shower. And I've gotten 12 missed calls from her since the morning. Her flight is in the evening and she asked me to accompany her to buy things that her coworkers asked her to buy at the mall. And it's only 7 am in the morning. She's acting like it's almost her flight time and she doesn't have much time left to go shopping. Drama queen much.

"What are you going to report to them? Your cousin didn't answer your call? Do you think they'll even care? It's not like I've been missing for days and you couldn't reach me or something," I told her.

"But you could. You didn't answer my call can lead to I can't reach you for days and you're missing," Yena said. See? Drama queen. "Where have you been? Why aren't you answering my call?"

"I just woke up and took a shower," I told her. It's not like I didn't see her missed calls but I just didn't want to call her back yet. "I'm getting ready so just wait patiently. Your flight is in the evening so chill,"

"What if they suddenly reschedule my flight and I couldn't buy the thing that I-"

"I'm ending the call," I said and ended the call right away. She surely has a lot to complain about. Never changed since we're kids. I took a deep breath and proceeded to wear the clothes that I'd picked before I took a shower. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Seriously, my swollen lips are just too obvious. But who cared anyway? After getting ready, I walked toward the car that I parked at the parking lot. It's actually my parents' car. I borrowed it because I need to drive the drama queen around before sending her to the airport.

"You're 28 minutes late than our promised time," Yena said as soon as she get inside the car after she put her luggages in the car boot. Yena pulled the seatbelt and clicked it. Hyunsuk gave her side eyes. Yena, who sat in the passenger seat beside the driver, turned to Hyunsuk. "What?"

"I'm not even your driver. You didn't even pay me," Hyunsuk said before he started to drive the car.

"You want me to pay you? How much?" Yena asked playfully. He knows it well that his cousin has never even planned to do that.

"My annual salary is at least double from yours. Just keep your money for yourself," Hyunsuk said. Yena rolled her eyes. She didn't reply to it because it's the truth. Hyunsuk glanced at Yena as he felt like his cousin had been staring at him. And he's right. "What?"

"I have something to ask but I'll just ask it later," Yena said.

"What? Why?" Hyunsuk asked.

"It's just," 

They went to the mall. They dropped by the cafe to get a quick breakfast and coffee since the both of them haven't eaten their breakfast yet. After that, Hyunsuk has been following Yena around. Going from one store to another. He helped the girl carry the shopping bags even though it's not that many. Yena just wants to make him carry it for her. Hyunsuk just plays along anyway. 

"Have you gotten everything?" Hyunsuk asked as he wore the seatbelt. After like 3 hours of walking around the mall, buying not only Yena's stuff but also the things that caught Hyunsuk's attention, they decided to end their shopping session to avoid spending even more money there.

"I think so," Yena said.

"So, we'll go straight to the airport?" Hyunsuk asked.

"Yeah," Yena said. But, after driving for a few minutes, Yena asked him to stop the car. "Yah! Yah! Stop there for a bit,"

Hyunsuk parked his car at the empty parking lot that Yena pointed at.

"Why?" He asked.

"I want to buy something there," Yena pointed at the convenience store.

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