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"Are you alright, hyung?" Asahi asked.  Well. I don't even know myself. I poured the alcohol into my glass and chugged it down. "Slow down, hyung,"

"Thank you for accompanying me, Sahi-ya," I said.

"I've told you that I'll accompany you for a drink if you help me with the collab photoshoot again. I just didn't expect it's going to be today," Asahi said. "You're lucky that I already finished my work and I happened to be around here,"

"Again. Thank you," I said. I continued to drink after that. I can feel that Asahi is staring at me. This japanese guy didn't really enjoy drinking that much but he would always come if I called him. Just like today.

"What is it now? Park Jihoon?" Asahi asked. I was about to grab the bottle again but stopped as I heard that name. Yes. It's Park Jihoon. The reason I am here. Drinking with Asahi instead of him.  Asahi knew it well that I would always drink with him if I couldn't ask Jihoon out for a drink. "Is he on a business trip?"

"No," I said.

"Then? Why didn't you ask him? You always drink with him," Asahi said.

"It's because of him. I can't drink with him," I said. I attended a family gathering earlier today. And Yena has been asking me to introduce her to Jihoon, in front of my parents and the other relatives. Hearing that, my parents told me to do so. They already knew what kind of person Jihoon is and they said that they'll be glad if Jihoon is going to marry Yena. But I am not. I won't be glad at all.

I've been dating all those girls who're trying to get Jihoon. I showed them that Jihoon wasn't even interested in them at all. Yes. I did it on purpose. I am bad and I knew it. But those girls aren't good either. They tried to get close to me with the hope that they could get to know Jihoon and get close to Jihoon.  Because they know that Jihoon won't even look in their direction. That's why they need me to help them with their goal. And I helped them. Helped them to realize that they will never catch Jihoon's attention.

But a few weeks ago, Jihoon himself already told me that he has a crush on someone. Someone who I didn't know. Someone that he's going to confess to. Even if I keep Yena away from Jihoon, there are tons of girls out there that might catch Jihoon's attention. My parents said that it's Jihoon's choice to choose Yena or not earlier at our family gathering. If Jihoon didn't want to choose Yena, he wouldn't. Even if I introduced them. It's not like Jihoon will date Yena because I introduced her to him. But still. The thought of me giving the chance of Jihoon liking other people, it just didn't sit well with me. I might be fine if he likes someone on his own.

That's what I thought back then. But now, even after knowing that Jihoon likes someone with whom I am assisting anything, it still makes me feel weird. And I disliked it. I disliked myself for having that kind of feeling. I should be happy for Jihoon. It's my wish to see him happy. But after Jihoon told me about his crush, it just made me mad for no reason. I keep on asking about his crush and if he already confessed or not. Not because I care. But I want to count down to the time that I have to fully accept that Jihoon's heart is owned by someone else and that someone is not me. I keep on pouring the alcohol and ranting about how I am being all coward and selfish.


I can hear Jihoon's voice. It's not clear what he's talking about but he's talking to Asahi for sure. Where am I now? The last thing I remembered was me still at the bar, drinking with Asahi. Did he call Jihoon here? After a while, I can feel my throat burning.

"Water,” I said. I tried to open my eyes. The light is too bright. I can see Jihoon in front of my eyes.

“Water? I’ll get you. Wait a minute,” Jihoon said before he disappeared from my sight. Is it just my imagination? Jihoon is not actually here, is he? I don't really want to see him today. I don't think I can act normal in front of him if I ever see him now. I feel like I'm too drunk to think and to control my actions. “Here. Get up first,”

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