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"Of course I like him. How do you think I could be friends with him for more than 10 years if I didn't like him? What kind of statement is that?" I faked my giggles. Trying to act cool. Never in my almost 30 years of living ever thought that I might have a hard time telling my family about my sexual preference.

I really thought that someday, I will go to my parents house. Bring my girlfriend and introduce her to them. Telling them that I love my girlfriend so much that I want to spend my life with her. Just like the dramas and TV series that I watched when I was younger.

It was normal. A situation like that is normal. But after like 15, when I first saw Jihoon at that one soccer match, I had never thought about that. The things I considered as normal have never been the thing that I ever wanted when I grew up. I just want to stay by his side. I want to keep seeing him even when I grow older.

That is not normal in this society and I knew it. That's why I never told my parents about it. Because I don't want them to be shocked. But Yena is still considered as my family. And I definitely am not ready to tell this to her yet.

I started the car when Yena's phone suddenly rang. She answered the call and our conversation ended just like that. That's for the best, I guess. As much as I like Jihoon so much, I still am not brave enough to tell someone else, other than Asahi because he just unexpectedly guessed it correctly, about me liking Jihoon. I couldn't even be honest about my feelings towards Jihoon. That's how cowardly I am.

After another few minutes of driving, we reached the airport. My parents asked me to accompany Yena until she boarded her flight. So me, as their filial son, just do it as they wish.

"Have you gotten everything?" I asked her.

"Be honest can't you?" Yena suddenly asked.

"About what?" I asked.

"You like him. You like Park Jihoon. That's why you do what you've done," Yena said. I let out a sigh.

"I've told you that I do like him - "

"Romantically," Yena cut my words. "You like him more than just friends. Despite being the same gender as he is. You still like him romantically. You like him so much that you couldn't afford to lose him. You didn't want him to leave you. You want to keep being friend with him because that's the only way for you can stay with him,"

I didn't deny that. She's not even wrong. But am I going to just tell her about it? I wonder. I just smiled.

"I'll leave it to your imagination," I told her.

"Tsk! No fun," Yena said. "Are you planning to cry alone when he finally confesses to that crush of his?"

"Even if he did, it doesn't mean that his crush will definitely accept his confession," I thought. Or I thought, I thought. Seeing Yena's expression, I definitely accidentally said that. Yena looked shocked at first but then she smirked.

"I'll let my imagination go wild," Yena said.

"He only sees me as a friend, Choi Yena," I told her. "Even though I'm a bad friend who just wish for him to stay single forever,"

"You can change from a bad friend to a bed friend if you even tried to confess. Who knows he actually feels the same. Judging how he has been sticking with you for years and hasn't dated anyone," Yena said.

"Bed friend, huh? You really had a wild imagination," I said. "I've told you that he just wasn't interested in a romantic relationship. He doesn't seem like he likes males that way too. And he has a crush,"

"Yeah. I know. I've heard you loud and clear that you told me that he wasn't interested in a romantic relationship. But what's the reason that he wasn't interested in a romantic relationship? He might be interested but he's just afraid to say so because he is afraid that the person he's interested in doesn't share the same feelings as he does. He doesn't seem like he likes males that way? Have you personally asked him? Or it's just an assumption. He doesn't really need to only like males to like one person who is a male. He can also be a bi. Don't you think? And lastly. Have you asked who's his crush?"

"How can I ask who his crush is?" I asked. "But he did asked me what would I do if someone who we are close to suddenly confess-"

Wait! It can't be, right? Recalling how he has been acting since then, is it? No way.

"Don't no way me. Has he acted differently around you after he told you about his crush?" Yena asked.

"I.. I'm not sure,"

"When did he told you about his crush? When did he said he will confess to his crush?" Yena asked.

"Why did you keep asking me that? Ask him yourself," I said.

"You didn't even let me get close to him, remember?" Yena asked. "Judging from his look, I'm pretty sure that I'm not wrong,"

"About what? You're always wrong about anything though," I said.

"Well. Just wait and see," Yena said.

"If you're not going to tell me, don't even act like you're going to. Geez," 

"Fine. I think his crush is you. Okay? He looked totally jealous when he saw me with you earlier," Yena said. "And one more thing. Were you with him yesterday?"

"Yes. I was at his place last night. Why?" I asked. "What is it?"

"Nothing. When I met you this morning, I had something to ask. But when I saw Jihoon earlier, I had something in my mind. When you confirm that you're with him, it just makes me more confident with what is in my mind. Unless both of you were together yesterday and already had partners already," Yena said.


"Do I have to spell it out? You guys made out last night. Judging from your swollen lips. Both of you," Yena said. I can feel my face heated up. Suddenly the memories of last night came back. I forgot about it for a while. "And your reaction didn't even deny it. Try to find time, and talk to him. I'm pretty sure that you shared the same feelings,"


"You guys are grown up enough to make your own decision. I won't force you or anything," Yena said. "Oh! I'll go in now. Take my video and send it to aunt and uncle,"

"Oh," I stood up and took out my phone. I started to record a video of Yena walking away and waving at me. I stopped recording after Yena already disappeared from my sighed. I sent the video to my parents as proof that I already accompanied her. After I sent that video, mom suddenly replied that they will be coming back from their business trip and asked me to make dinner for the three of us. I'll be going back to my parents house, I guess? 

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