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I dialed his number. Usually he'll answer it right away. Why did he take too long to pick up my call?

"What took you so long for you to answer the phone?" I asked as soon as he answered.

"I just couldn't believe that you called me," Jihoon said.

"I've told you that we'll talk after I'm back," I said. "I just ordered pizza. I can't finish it myself, you know?"

"I'm on my way," Jihoon said.

"Okay. See you later. Just come in. I'm currently working. Okay?"

"Alright," he said. I ended the call after it seemed like we had nothing more to talk to on the phone. I'll just do my work while waiting for him, I guess. I heard someone pressing the passcode of my door. It's Jihoon.

"You're here," I said when I could see him at the door. Right. I need to prepare myself for this. If he's not going to confess right now, I will.

"You called," he said. I couldn't help but to scoff. Why did it sound like that one TikTok sound?

"I'll finish touching up this one. Can you take the pizza when it's already here?" I asked.

"Sure," he said. But he's still standing there. Right behind me.

"You look like you have a lot to say, Park Jihoon," I asked. He looked anxious right now. "What is it? I'm listening. Is it about your crush?"

"Yeah," he answered. I didn't expect that. I was just teasing him just now. Is he going to confess now?

"What is it?" I asked.

"You know that I always asked you if you're free, right? It's actually not that. It's not the actual thing I wanted to say to you. Whenever I asked you if you're free or not. Whenever I asked you if I could have a moment. It's not that. The moment I asked you those, I wanted to see you right away. That I'm going to meet you right away no matter what. I know that I shouldn't feel like this but I wanna see you because I really like you, hyung. More than just friends. More than anything. More than words can express how much I like you," Jihoon said. Almost like he's rapping.

I know. After hearing Asahi's and Yena's words about him having a feeling toward me, I looked back at the way he treated me. Actually, I feel bad for not noticing it earlier. I keep on thinking that the way he treated me was just in a friendly manner. I was too slow to catch that.

"All of my words toward you. You're doing great with your work. I like your work. I like having you around. I miss you. I want to see you. I wanna hug you. I want to keep listening to your voice. You look cool when you're working. You're the coolest guy I ever met. You're a great guy. Every single word. I really sincerely mean it. I want you to know how much I feel about you. How much you mean to me in my life. And I want you to feel appreciated," Jihoon said. "It was never an easy thing for me to say to those who know how much I like you. Because I am afraid that my feelings will leak along with my words. And it will make you uncomfortable,"

I thought I'd prepared myself to hear his confession. But I guess, I'm not prepared enough. Hearing those words from Jihoon himself just gave me so much emotion that I couldn't even explain. Jihoon has always told me pretty words. But today, it feels totally different. After saying everything, he just stayed quiet for a while. I didn't expect that it would be this awkward. Confession is hard.

"Since when?" I asked, trying to break the silence.

"Huh?" he asked. I didn't know if he's confused or he didn't hear my question earlier. I turned toward him.

"You said that you like me. Since when did you like me?" I asked him again.

"I- I'm not sure. Probably since the time you greeted me on the soccer selection. I don't know but whenever you come to me and greet me first, my heart flutters. I can't even control it anymore," Jihoon said. "Sometimes, it hurts. It's too overwhelming,"

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