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I double checked the things I just did. I guessed it's all for today. I still have about an hour before my date with Jihoon. Hehe. Date, huh? What outfit should I wear? Hm? I was staring at the clothes hung inside my closet when I received a message. It's Byunggeon hyung. I wonder why he suddenly messaged me. Didn't I already deliver the photos? I opened his message. He asked me to edit something for the introduction video for the new product from his company.

I read the changes that he wanted me to edit for. It's not too hard but it will need a little more time for me because I'm doing everything all by myself. I told him that I can edit it and send it to him tomorrow. But then, he said that the company wants the final video by tonight because tomorrow morning is going to be the launching event. I feel bad but I really don't think that I can do it in such a short amount of time. And I have an appointment with Jihoon too later.

Before I could decline it, Byunggeon hyung started to spam my texts. Begging me to help him or else he might lose his job. He also said that he'll only use my service for everything related to his company's products, photoshoots and graphic related stuff. He even told me that he'll recommend me to everyone he knew to use my service if I helped him this time. It's probably just some pretty words by Byunggeon hyung. I don't mind if he didn't do it. It's not like I'm depending on that for my business.

But Byunggeon hyung is one of my regular clients. It just makes me feel bad if I have to decline it. Still. But, I have a date with Jihoon. Will I manage to finish it on time if I do it?

I was typing when suddenly Byunggeon hyung said that he'll even pay me double than my original price and keep begging me to do it. I take a deep breath. I'll just do it fast this time. I hope I can make it on time before the movie starts. I walked back to my working room. I opened the folder on my computer. I started to edit the introduction video as per Byunggeon hyung's request.

After finishing the edited version, I sent it to Byunggeon. I was so glad that he approved the edited version. He keeps on apologizing to me for begging me to do that because it might really affect his work if he couldn't get the edited version done before tomorrow. I switched off my computer. My eyes widened when I saw the time on the clock. It's already 7 pm?!

What time is the movie? I took out my phone to check it while walking out from my apartment. The movie is in about 30 minutes. Will I manage to reach the mall before the movie starts? I looked around after I walked out from my apartment complex. Should I take the bus? There are a lot of people at the bus stop and the next bus that will pass the mall is in 25 minutes. The last bus left about 5 minutes ago. Should I take the subway? No. It's peak hour. It will be really packed. Taxi? The taxis that pass the road in front of me are all occupied. What the hell? I just want to meet Park Jihoon.

I looked at the time on my watch. If I run from here, I might make it on time before the movie starts. It has been a long time since the last time I ever ran. Let's try. I'm going to meet Park Jihoon. I wish he's still there. But even if he goes back home, I won't even be mad at him. The movie that I chose is not even his cup of tes and the person who wanted to watch the said movie is nowhere to be found. It's not even be weird if Park Jihoon decided to leave.

I keep on running and running. There are a lot of people looking at me weirdly for running like this. Usually they will see someone running like this in the morning if they are running late for work or classes. But now, I'm running late as well. Running late for a date. The date that I arranged. I am praying so hard that Park Jihoon will still be waiting. I wanted to see him. I can feel my legs starting to ache. But I keep on running. I know I can make it if I keep pushing myself. I can do this. Few years ago, running was one of the daily routines for me. I can do this.

I finally reached the mall. I stopped to catch my breath for a while. I continue to run but not as fast as I did outside. I looked for Jihoon who might still be waiting for me in front of the cinema. There he is. Park Jihoon. He's still here.

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