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"Seriously, Park Jihoon? Woah. After everything. No, you said?" I don't care if it's a joke or what. I am pissed off. What's the point of confessing if he's not going to date me? "I hate you,"

"Didn't you say that you like me before?" Jihoon asked in a teasing tone. Is he teasing me? Am I a joke? He likes me but won't date me.

"I am but you don't want to be my lover. So, finish the pizza and get out of my house," I said. I took another pizza. I'll finish this one and continue my work. I'll ask him to date me again tomorrow. I'll ask as many times as I need until he decides to date me. Sure it's nice knowing that we shared the same feeling. But I want us to be boyfriends. Am I too old fashioned for wanting this? Will he stop liking me if I keep on asking him?

"You don't want to see me ever again?" Jihoon asked. I let out a sigh. There's no way I don't want to see him anymore.

"No. Only today I don't want to see you because I'm a little upset with your replies," I said. I looked at the pizza that I'm currently holding. Ugh. I don't feel like eating anymore. I put the pizza back in the box and stood up. "I'm going to continue my job. Just leave it there. You don't really have to finish it or clean it,"

I walked inside my working room. I saw the small box where I put my SD card. I took one of the SD cards that I used to keep Jihoon's pictures and walked back to Jihoon who's still in the living room. I pulled his hand and put the SD card in his palm.

"That's only like 10% of my crush on Park Jihoon's journey," I said before I walked inside my working room and closed the door. I don't know. I just look forward to this day a little bit too much. Maybe I set too high expectations. I thought that we would date right away after he confessed. Like how my previous relationships are. But he decided to play with me. It's not like I will suddenly not like him anymore. I just want to clear my mind right now. I'll think of how to make him agree to date me later.

I was about to continue editing the picture when I heard him knocking on my door. Knocking, huh? It's not like he is not used to just barging into the room before. I let out a sigh.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Are you really busy? Or you just don't want to see me?" Jihoon asked. Am I busy? No. Do I not want to see him? No as well. I just want to sit here and clear my thoughts.

"No," I said.

"Which one?" Jihoon asked. I sighed again. But seriously. I haven't seen him for days. There's no way I don't want to see him. And I did have work to do but it's not so urgent so it doesn't make me too busy.

"Both," I said while playing with the stylus that I'm currently holding. 

"I'm coming in," Jihoon said. I just hummed. I can hear the door opening. I just stared at the screen and pretended that I'm working seriously. When I'm just playing with the shadow brush on the picture. I can hear him sighing. "Until when are you planning to be upset with me?"

"Not sure. Probably till tomorrow morning," I said. Tomorrow morning is fine. Should I go to his house and kiss him right away? Kiss huh? I've been thinking about kissing since the moment I realized that I wanted to kiss Jihoon more than the girl who was my girlfriend back then. But after I got a taste of his lips, it just kept in my mind. I can't help but to think about his lips and the way his lips feel on my lips.

"Hyung," Jihoon called. "I'm sorry, okay,"

"Hm," I hummed again. I can hear him sighing again. I used to be worried if he's sighing. But now, I'm just too busy to care. Busy thinking of the way to make Jihoon my boyfriend. Suddenly, the stylus that I'm holding was taken from me. Jihoon put the stylus on the table and turned the chair where I'm sitting to make me face him.

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