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"Finally! It's over!" I shouted after the crews announced that the photoshoot had already finished. I quickly packed up my stuff. I am so tired. I didn't expect that a simple photoshoot session can be this tiring if it's under an entertainment company's surveillance. While I'm packing up my stuff while exchanging greetings with the models and crews who were walking past me, I saw Yoon Jaehyuk, the culprit of the suffering I'm currently experiencing.

"Good work for today. You've worked hard," Jaehyuk said. I turned to him while crossing my arms.

"What made you think that having me as one of the photographers for your agency's model is a good idea?" I asked.

"It's not me. It's Sahi's idea," Jaehyuk said while pointing at Asahi who's still packing up his stuff. I let out a sigh. I wanted to say that I'm surprised but it's actually expected if it's Asahi. Asahi is currently working under a famous company, house of many famous photographers and visual editors; a company that is associated with the entertainment agency where Jaehyuk is currently working at. Asahi has been asking for me to join him at the company but I refused.

I just don't want to be tied under any contract from any association. I want to be free to choose my works. Free to have my style on my works. I started this not for my whole life career. I just want to be satisfied with my own work. And for Jihoon to keep giving his attention toward me.. or my works at least. Because he likes photography a lot. But yeah. For me to join a company is just a no no.

If it's not because I've owed Jaehyuk something, I won't even accept this gig. It's really tiring, I wanted to cry. But there is him, Asahi walked happily toward me.

"Thank you for joining us, hyung," Asahi said. Even if he's not smiling, I can tell that he's currently very happy and satisfied.

"Hm. If you guys ever planned to make me do this, at least tell me a week prior so I can prepare my body and my mind," I said.

"So, you're okay if I asked you to do this again?" Jaehyuk asked.

"Hm.. The pay is quite fancy," I said.

"Why don't you just join our company?" Asahi asked.

"I don't want to. I can do this once in a while but not everyday," I said.

"But hyung. You really have the talent to do so. You can probably become the worldwide famous photographer," Asahi said.

"I'm not even tempted," I said. I just realized that Jaehyuk and Asahi are following me walking away from the photoshoot set. "And why are you following me? Don't you guys have work to do?"

"No. We're clocking off as well. On events like these, the company will let us clock off right after the shoots ended," Jaehyuk said.

"Oh? So, people from your company will be fighting over who's going to be in charge of the on-set shoot, huh?" I asked.

"No. They really don't want to," Jaehyuk said.

"Huh? Why? You guys can go home early," I said. "Who doesn't want that?"

"It's only if the shoot ended early. There are times, the shoot took over a whole day. I-" Jaehyuk couldn't continue his words because Asahi quickly covers Jaehyuk's mouth with his hand. Jaehyuk probably just realized what he did, whining while his mouth is still being covered with Asahi's hand.

"I see. Okay. I'll just work on my own and carefully think before I accept any gig offers from your company. Thank you for the revelation. It make it so clear that I don't even want to join it," I said.

"Look what you've done," Asahi scolded Jaehyuk.

"What?" Jaehyuk asked. I just walked ahead and suddenly I heard Jaehyuk's voice calling Jihoon's name. "Oh! It's Jihoon,"

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