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"That's rare. You uploaded something on the story," I said as I saw Asahi's latest update. We just finished having a meeting with the staff from the company where Asahi is working. It's for another collaboration project. It was supposed to be tomorrow we're going to the Philippines but there's some miscommunication with the HR department, the flight will be tonight. And the meeting is an emergency meeting for us to get ready earlier than the initial planning.

"I just feel like it," Asahi said. We went to a cafe near the company. "Are you still hiding your feelings from Jihoon hyung?"

"Why are you suddenly asking me that?" I asked.

"Because I'm tired of the two of you. Why are you guys using me as your secret keeper? Am I looking like someone who can keep secrets that well?" Asahi asked.

"I technically am not directly telling you about it but you're too fast to catch it and I unintentionally made you one," I said. "Why? You guys? Who? Else? Jihoonie?"

"I'll tell Jihoon hyung that I'm sorry later. Did you know that Jihoon thought that you already had a girlfriend and you're hiding it from him just because he hasn't confessed to his crush yet?" Asahi asked.

"Eh? Why? Who told you that?"

"Jihoon hyung himself. When you're too drunk and asked me to bring you to his place even after we already reached your place," Asahi said. "I was planning to let you guys settle this yourselves. But seems like both of you are just too helplessly stupid,"

"Who are you calling helplessly stupid?"

"You and Jihoon hyung. Both of you are just helplessly in love with each other but just too afraid to admit it. Because what? Because I'm afraid that your relationship will change and won't be able to see each other again. Both of you are using the freaking same excuse. And what's the result, just you two being all helpless and me as the middle man just because I am fast enough to catch your feelings," Asahi said.

"Who told you that?" I asked.

"About what? Jihoon hyung like you?" Asahi asked. I nodded. "I heard it from him myself. Just like you, he's just too obvious with how he looks at you. How did no one ever notice that? Why do I have to be the one who noticed it first?"

Jihoon like me? Yena was right. And those confessions were really for me? The day he rehearses? Was really for me. Remembering the days after that. How he was avoiding me and stuff... Jihoon like me. My feelings are not unrequited. Is this a dream?

"Since when?" I asked.

"That one, you need to be the one who asked him yourself," Asahi said. Suddenly I got a message from Jihoon. Asking if I'm free and he wanted to meet me. I opened the chatroom. What should I reply to? I'll tell him that I'll meet him after 3 days? But how to arrange the words? I've been writing and erasing again and again. "I'll get going, I guess?"

"Oh. Okay. See you later at the airport," I said and kept my phone. Asahi stood up.

"Just an advice. Be honest," Asahi said. Ah.. About my feelings toward Jihoon. I just smiled.

"I will," I said. I watched Asahi until he left the cafe. I took a sip of my coffee and looked around the cafe. Suddenly, I got a message. I took out my phone. It's a message from Jihoon telling that he's here. Eh? I looked around. There's no way he's suddenly here, right? I strongly believed that it was just a prank but then, I saw him out of the cafe. Our eyes met for a few seconds before he walked into the cafe. Walking toward me.

"Why are you running here?" I asked. He looked like he just ran here looking at how he's still trying to catch his breath. Did Asahi tell him to come here? Is that why he told me to be honest? Tsk. I am going to be honest. But not this fast. After all the information I just got from him just a few minutes ago, I still need to digest it first. Did I ask Jihoon to run here or something? I was planning to call him after I finished packing.

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