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“Ah.. They looked beautiful,” I said as I finished checking the pictures I just edited. It’s one of my clients, Park Jihoon. yes. His name is also Park Jihoon. Park Jihoon is a very common name though. But whenever I hear that name, the Park Jihoon I know comes to mind first no matter how many other Park Jihoons that I ever encountered. Maybe because we are close and the fact that I have a feeling toward him.

I chose some of the pictures that I want to send to my client. After selecting some of the pictures, I clicked on the share button. I don’t know what is on my mind, I sent it to the first Park Jihoon that appeared on my contact list and it’s THAT Park Jihoon. Before I could delete it, he had already seen my messages. Ugh! What will he think seeing me sending some dudes’ pictures? I then quickly called him. He answered it right away.

“Hello, hyung?” he asked.

“Wah. You’re not putting your phone away? You even opened the pictures right away after I sent it,” I asked. It seems like he answered me as soon as the call got connected.

“Oh. I somehow was holding my phone when you sent it,” Jihoon said. Ah… Make sense. He’s still online when I called him. “Ah. Why are you sending those pictures?”

“About that. I actually accidentally sent it to the wrong person. I was going to delete it right away but you already opened it. It makes me a little flustered. Because you already saw it, I called you to tell you that you accidentally sent it to you,” I said. Trying to explain. I can just delete it and text him that I sent it to the wrong person and call it a day instead of calling him like what I’m currently doing right now. But I don’t mind though. I haven’t heard his voice for days. “The guy who wore the pink suit. His name is also Park Jihoon. He’s the same age as I am. He’s one of my loyal customer,”

“Oh..” Jihoon said. Is he disappointed hearing what I just told him? There’s no way, right? “The pictures are beautiful. As expected from you, hyung. You always take great pictures,”

“You’re praising me too much, you know?” He did it again. He always chooses the most beautiful words and praises me every single time he gets the chance to. “It’s because the two of them are good looking. They made the pictures turn out well. The one in the pink suit used to be a child actor and the one in the mint suit used to be some back up dancer or something. They are used to the industry. It makes them know how to look good on camera. They did it almost effortlessly,”

“Ah.. I see,” he said. The client Park Jihoon was really a child actor and now he’s a businessman. The other guy is Park Woojin who used to be a back-up dancer. Now he already owns dance studios and academics. They said that they are best friends. But the way their eyes look at each other tell me that they are more than that. “But it’s because you took it well too. Even if they are good looking, if the photographer is not skillful enough, the pictures won’t come out prettily. You just did a very good job there,”

“You always know how to make me feel better. You’re really good with your words and really aware of people’s emotions. It makes you know how to put the best words in those situations,” I said. Park Jihoon has always been like that ever since I knew him.

“Hyung. You don’t believe my words, right? Just let me put it like this. Those two are used in the entertainment industry, right? And for them to entrust you to take their pictures, that means they acknowledged your skill. It’s not like you ever charge the fee lower than the market. Your fees are just like those professional photographers. But why do they keep coming for you? Because you’re more skillful than the other photographers out there,” Jihoon said. “Just how many of your loyal customers worked in the entertainment industry? There’s quite a lot, right? They can easily contact those famous entertainment photographers to get their attention. But no. They wanted to have the best photos for themselves. They can’t do it when they’re working because the photographers already chosen by the companies or brands,”

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