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I received messages from Asahi when I'm editing my client's picture. That's a lot of messages from Asahi which is definitely weird. I took my phone and opened the messaging application to look at what the Japanese guy actually sent to me. Ah. It's my pictures with Jihoon. The one which I asked Asahi to take for us. The pictures are pretty. Just as I imagined. Jihoon is definitely very handsome here. He has always been handsome all these times but here, he definitely glows more. Maybe because of Asahi's skill? But really. I like these pictures of us. I'm thinking of printing it out and hanging it on my wall. But that will definitely be weird.

Suddenly, Asahi called me. I pressed the green icon to answer his call.

"I've sent the pictures," Asahi said as soon as he answered the call.

"I know. I was looking at it when you suddenly called me," I said. "Why? You want me to pay for your service? Give me your price. I'll transfer it to you,"

"It's not that," Asahi said. "I've sent it to Jihoon as well. But he hasn't looked at it or responded to it. I thought that you might not even look at it, that's why I called you. I'm going to call Jihoon as well. I've sent those to him hours ago,"

I looked at the time. It's already late now. If he hasn't even looked at Asahi's messages even till now, he probably is very busy. And there's a possibility of him doing another overtime today. How many days has he pulled overtime this week? I'm suddenly worried about him. He usually didn't care about himself and put his work first. Is he eating well? I'll call him later after I finish my work.

"He's probably busy. He has been doing overtime for days," I told Asahi. "I'm sure he'll reply to you after he's home,"

"You okay with it, hyung?" Asahi asked.

"About what?"

"You are very skillful at hiding your real feelings. But I can definitely see it. Ever since the first time your eyes landed on him," Asahi said. My eyes widened hearing his words. Asahi has been saying things like this many times when we're together with or without Jihoon. I thought that he's just being playful with his words because he's cringed seeing how we acted around each other. But this time, it feels like it's more personal. "I know you have a crush on him and have been trying so hard to move on. Or I thought you are trying or just accept those confessions from girls who actually trying to go for Jihoon but they could, so they will never be able to get Jihoon,"

"Sahi-ya. Jihoon is my friend," I told him.

"You have been worrying about your friend way more than you did to yourself. Stop it already. I know that you have been hurting your own feelings," Asahi said. "Are you really going to be alright if he dated someone else?"

"I will," I said. No. I lied. But I can't say it. "I have been worrying about him ever since his old classmate, Yujin, told me about what had happened to him. And why he has been shutting himself from people. I want him to be more open about what he's feeling and things. I want him to be happy. Even if it's not me who makes him happy, I will be happy for him as long as I can see him smiling, and happy. I'll be alright. And after that, I'll try to find my own happiness,"

"You're such a fool for him," Asahi said. "You make me frustrated,"

"I'm sorry for making you feel so," I said. "And thank you for not exposing me even though you are already aware of my feelings. I really appreciate it,"

"Whatever. I'm ending the call now. Bye," Asahi said before he ended the call. I looked at the time now. It's already past the working time for Jihoon. I'll just settle my work and call him later. Before I could do so, I got a call from Jihoon. I saved the latest changes that I've made and turned off my computer. I then answered Jihoon's call.

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