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“What?” Jihoon asked.

“Why are you asking what?” I asked him back. I know why he called me and asked. It's because I messaged him the QR code for the Chainsaw Man movie. But I just want to ask him that. Then, I just remembered that Jihoon has been all busy this month. I should've asked him first before purchasing the ticket. “Why? You suddenly are not free at that time? What to do? Should I sell it?”

“No. No. I’m totally free,” Jihoon said. That's a relief.  I was thinking of where and who I should sell the ticket to. “I just didn’t expect you to buy it. I thought I am the one who’s going to buy the ticket and ask you when you’re free,”

“Cool then. Let’s watch it together," I said.

“Are you sure, hyung?” Jihoon asked. I was about to end the call because I feel like Jihoon might be very busy today too.

“Why should I not be sure?” I asked.

“You’re not really a fan of anime. I know you’ll not really enjoy the movie. You’re going to spend like 2 hours in a cinema to watch a movie you’re not really familiar with,” Jihoon said. Why did he worry about things like this? Has he been this overthinking?

"Yah. I won't be the one who buys the ticket for us and asks you when you are free to watch it together if I don't want to. I don't have to be a fan of a genre for me to accompany someone who loves a genre watching a movie, don't I?" I asked him. "Don't worry about it. Just make sure you show up on Saturday. If not, I'll make sure that you're going to pay triple of the price of the ticket,"

"Why are you suddenly threatening me like that? I'll surely go, especially someone who already bought the ticket for me," Jihoon said.

"Okay then. See you on Saturday," I said and ended the call before Jihoon could say anything anymore. I looked at my phone. Whatever. I uploaded the screenshot of the ticket on my social media before I continue to do my work.


“What are you thinking about?” I asked. Jihoon has been looking like he's worried about something. Did he supposed to work or something? I saw one of his friends updated that he's going to cover for someone on a seminar. Kim Junkyu. I met him a few times and become mutual on social media. Junkyu is not someone who frequently update on social media but he did today. Is it Jihoon who he covered for? Is that why Jihoon looked restless?

“Nothing,” Jihoon said.

“So. Do you want popcorn?” I asked.

“No. But I can buy it for you," Jihoon said.

"No. No. I am the one who is going to pay for it. Wait here," I told him before rushed to buy the popcorn. I was rushing because there's no one when I looked at the counter but when I reached here there's already two people on the line. And there's only one counter for the foods that's open. Suddenly Jihoon is standing right next to me. "I told you to wait there,"

"I suddenly felt like eating something. Would you buy it for me?" Jihoon asked.

"Sure. What do you want to have?" I asked. Jihoon asked for a nugget and a soft drink. We bought the snacks and drinks to the hall after it's opened. "It's the third time I'm watching anime movie. And all three times are with Park Jihoon,"

"I'm special, then?" Jihoon asked.

"Yes. Very special," I said. Well. That's obvious. But Jihoon probably didn't even notice it. The movie started. There's a lot of things I'm curious about the movie. I whispered to Jihoon asking the questions that popped up in my head while watching the movie. Jihoon has been answering every one of them. But then, I was about to ask again when I saw Jihoon was immersed in the movie. He looked like he enjoyed it a lot. I couldn't help but to stare at his excited face. Cute and handsome. I can spend my time staring at his face all day long. I should bring him to watch more anime movies so I can stare at his face without getting caught because he's too focused on the movie.

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