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I took out my phone. Jihoon sent me a message asking if I'm coming or not. He told me last night that they manage to move to the final round and it will be held on Saturday. He asked me to come and support him. Oh! He also asked me to bring his camera that he left in my room a few days ago; which I feel like he purposely left it, along if I decided to come. Here I am. At the venue of the science competition, carrying the camera that Park Jihoon left in my room. I just read the message he sent without replying to it. I was planning to make a surprise.

I looked at the schedule of the program that they put outside of the venue. It said that the final round is going to be held in about an hour and the contestants should be in the meeting room which is a temporary room that they build in the same hall room for each group. I finally saw where our school's team was. I saw Park Jihoon looking serious discussing things with the other kids. I saw a lot of familiar faces around this venue. Probably because it's the weekend and because our school managed to achieve this impressive achievement of getting to the final round of the science competition.

I took out Jihoon's camera and turned it on. Jihoon teached me how to use the camera a few times before. So I know how to basically use it. I've taken some pictures too with this camera. Now, I decided to take Jihoon's picture from where I'm standing. He's really standing out among the others. Or is it only me who feels like that? Because I can only see Park Jihoon among tons of people around here.

Click! Click!

I keep pressing the shutter of the camera. After a few shots, I looked at the results. I can feel myself smiling while looking at the pictures I just took. It's just a picture of Park Jihoon but it just makes me very happy. I keep on taking a few more pictures. I feel like a paparazzi doing this. And Park Jihoon is the celebrity. He passed as a celebrity though. He's very good looking and good looking. Yeah. He's very good looking. He has a nice personality too. He's charming and caring. He's kind. Even if those are not the requirements to be a celebrity, I don't care. He's my celebrity.

I stopped taking his pictures when I saw someone other than the kids who participated in the science competition talk to him. It looks like one of the kids from our school. Jihoon nodded at that kid and walked out from the meeting room. I can see him saying something to the other contestants from our school before he left. And me, just being me, I'm curious. I decided to follow him.

Jihoon looked like he's waiting for someone. He just stands there, and looks around. I decided to approach him to surprise him but hid right away when I saw someone coming toward Park Jihoon. I was just a few steps away from him but decided to hide behind the vending machine near where Jihoon is at. I took a peek at him. My eyes widened seeing the person who’s approaching Park Jihoon is Somyi sunbaenim.

“Congratulations for getting to the final,” I heard Somyi sunbaenim say.

“Thanks,” Jihoon replied. “Is it you who wanted to see me?”

“Yeah,” Somyi sunbaenim said. “I wonder if I can get your number? And we can hang out sometimes?”

“You really come here to ask me that?” Jihoon asked. “Sorry. I’m not interested,”

“I’m not dating Choi Hyunsuk anymore,” she said.

“So?” Jihoon asked. “Whether you're still dating him or already broke up with him, do you think I’m going to hang out with you?”

“Yah. I’m just trying to be friends with you,” she said.

“But I don’t want to,” Jihoon said. “You’re using the same tactic as the previous kids who ruined me and my peaceful school life. Why? You’re going to go around telling people that I’m seducing you and make you break up with your boyfriend and make him hate me by spreading that nonsense?”

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