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"That reminds me. How's my prince doing?" Yena asked. Shs just arrived here in Seoul and decided to trespass my place as she always did. She knew my passcode and always comes here whenever she's back. She's currently working in Japan and came back for our grandfather's death anniversary. My parents are still overseas so she didn't go straight to my parents house like she always did.

"Who the hell is your prince," I said. Even though I already and clearly know who she's talking about.

"Park Jihoon. Your BFF," Yena said. "He hasn't posted anything since a few months ago. Is he that busy? He makes me worried,"

"Who are you to worry about him?" I asked.

"I'll definitely be his girlfriend if you want to introduce him to me. But you didn't want to," Yena said. Yup. I won't ever introduce her to Jihoon. Why? Obviously because she likes him. And knowing Yena, she'll definitely try her best to make Jihoon look at her. And Yena is attractive. There will be a possibility for Jihoon to fall for her. And I don't want that. Talking about Jihoon. He has been calling me but I rejected his call every time. "You got a call,"

"It's probably credit card," I lied.

"Tsk. You signed up for another one? Why did you like shopping and spending your money like that?" Yena nagged. "I'm going to Eunbi unnie's place and sleep over there,"

"That's good. Go fast," I said.

"I'm going to use the bathroom. Why do you want to kick me out so bad every time?" Yena asked and walked inside the bathroom. Jihoon called again. I answered the call.

"Hyunsuk hyung?" I heard Jihoon's voice as soon as I answered it.

"Jihoon-ah. Can you just text me? I'll reply to your messages. Okay? I'm ending the call," I ended the call right away. Yena said that she's going to her friend's house but it doesn't mean she'll leave right away anyway.


"Hello?" Jihoon asked as soon as he answered the phone. It somehow sends an indescribable feeling to my heart. Is it because I haven't seen him for so long? But I'm sure that it's not that long though. But for some reason, I miss him even more these days.

"Oh. Jihoon-ah," It took him longer to answer the call than usual. Is he busy? "Are you busy?"

"No. Um. Not really. I can talk. Why?" Jihoon asked.

"Oh. I'm just wondering. Where did you buy the pretzels last time?" I asked. It's not like I'm dying to know about it but well. That's one of the topics I can bring up now. I don't want to be awkward between us because I feel like sometimes Jihoon is acting weirdly. Is it because he told me about his crush and I look like I have a feeling toward him and he tried to avoid me? I don't know. It just feels like that.

"Why? Is it bad?" Jihoon asked. "I've tasted it. It's good though. It taste similar to the one from the bakery near our high school back then,"

"Exactly! It tastes similar, right?! It has been ages. I haven't bought any pretzels  from other stores after the bakery closed because they're not good. But the one you gave me is just perfection. Where did you buy it? I suddenly feel like eating those again," I said. When he mentioned that, it made me want to eat it again.

"Really? It's from Mapo-gu though," Jihoon said.

"Wait! Is it from that bakery that went viral a few weeks ago?" I asked. I saw the bakery on my feed many times last week. I've planned to go there but I couldn't make time to do so because of work. I couldn't believe that I already had something from that bakery without knowing. I did share it with Jihoon before. Is that why he bought it?

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