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I pressed the bell of his apartment many times and waited for a while. But he still didn’t open the door. What time is it now? I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have any work today and it's the weekend. I purposely didn’t text him first because I know if I ever did, he’ll just say that he’s busy if he knows where I’m going to bring him to. I pressed the bell again.

“Can’t you be a bit patient?” Jihoon asked, almost angrily as soon as he opened the door. That’s hot. Like he’s not the type that gets angry easily. Even if he’s angry, he usually will be quiet. Well. That’s good because less people see this hot side of him. “Oh. It’s just you, hyung?”

“Just me? It’s me. Choi Hyunsuk,” I said. Jihoon chuckled. Well. Him chuckling like this is also attractive. Hm. I can’t choose one. Forget about it. Back to the initial plan. “What are you doing?”

“I just finished doing the dishes. Have you eaten breakfast yet? What will I do to make something for you?” Jihoon asked.

“No. Follow me a bit,” I said.

“Now?” Jihoon asked. I looked inside and walked in. I looked around. Making sure that he didn’t have any electrical appliances that he turned on in his apartment. After making sure that he didn’t have anything turned on, I walked back to the front and pulled him out. I locked the door and continue to pulled him toward the car that I borrowed from my parents that I parked at the parking lot of that apartment complex. “Where are you talking to me, hyung?”

I pushed him into the car and put the seatbelt on him before I got inside as well. I drove us to the department store where I always went to. Last night, Asahi told me that he found a nice place if I wanted to have a photoshoot with Jihoon. The one that we canceled because of the unexpected rain. He sent me some pictures of the place and it’s indeed a beautiful place.

Asahi told me that he has work for the wedding event today and asked me to come after the event with Jihoon. The plan now is to dress Jihoon up. The daily Jihoon is just fine to me. But looking at the last time, he looked a little uncomfortable to be in a photoshoot with his daily attire. That’s what I assumed though. But well. I just wanted to dress him up anyway.

We went to the clothing section of the department store. I picked up some clothes for Jihoon to try on. I waited for Jihoon to try it on. After he put it on, he showed it to me. I told him to change into another set of clothing. It’s not that bad but I wanted him to be comfortable with his outfit for our photoshoot later.

"Um.. Hyung. Do I really need to wear this?" Jihoon asked.

"I'm not sure," I scanned him from head to toe. I looked around for another set of outfits. I feel like this one will look great on Jihoon. It will compliment his physical appearance and look comfortable too.  "Try this one,"

"Again?" He asked but still took the clothes I handed him. "You still won't tell me why you asked me to try this one?"

"No. Just go in and try it on," I said. After he went back into the fitting room, I got a call from a client. And just me being me who can sit still while answering the phone, I walked around the clothing section. When I ended the call, I’m already in front of the section. I went back in just to see Jihoon getting his pictures taken by the worker of the department store. And for some reason, I hated it. I couldn’t even freely take his pictures like that but some girls just manage to do it.

"Okay. That's all. Thank you very much for the time. Can you give me your number? I'll inform you when it's uploaded," the worker said. I know that it's probably for the store. But still. I dislike it. It feels like someone is playing with the toy I just bought before I could unbox it first.

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