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"What are you thinking about?" Jihoon asked, making me back to reality. I just realized that I've been spacing out for a while. I turned to Jihoon who's currently handing me a cup of coffee. Did he go to the cafe earlier? I don't know. I don't have any idea. I took the coffee that he handed to me. Jihoon sits right next to me. "You look like you have a lot in your mind. You know that you can share it with me too. Your concerns. It's not like I can definitely gives you any solution but it might can give you a little peace,"

"Ah. I'm sorry for spacing out," I said.

"No worries. You look cute when you're spacing out," Jihoon said playfully. I gave him a death stare and he just chuckled. "Aigoo. So cute,"

"I'm not cute. Stop teasing me," I said. I'm currently trying my best not to blush or flustered at his playfully remarks. The more I know Jihoon, the more fun he will be. He's the kind of guy that everyone will definitely be comfortable to be around. Too bad there's a lot of stupid rumors about him that make people try so hard to keep their distance from him. His personality around people he's not used to is not helping either. He always gives this cold look whenever someone looks at him. But he talked just fine afterwards. Maybe the first impression is just too big that makes people intimidated by him.

"Yeah. Yeah," Jihoon said before he drank the chocolate drink that he bought along with my coffee.

"Jihoon-ah," I paused a little after calling his name. Yeah. I need to tell him anyway. "I got myself a girlfriend,"

I saw him stopped moving entirely for a while. As if I'm looking at a paused screen. After a few seconds, he started to move again. Is it too shocking for him?

"Oh. Congratulations," Jihoon said. "Since when?"

"Yesterday. She asked me out after school. Before the practice," I said. Jihoon just nodded. Unlike his first reaction, he seems to be alright with the fact that I am now in a relationship. It kind of makes me feel disappointed. At one point, I was hoping that he'll be jealous after hearing that I'm now not single anymore. But who am I to wish for that. I'm just a mere friend.

"I didn't expect you'll get a girlfriend this time around. But still, congratulations, hyung. I wish you the best," Jihoon said. "I now need to think about what I should do if you're on a date with your girlfriend. I need to find a new hobby, I guessed,"

Hobby, huh? I suddenly recalled that rumor about him stealing his friends' girlfriends. I wonder if it's true. Like we can prove it with this, right? There's no way his hobby is stealing people's girlfriends. I don't think he will. Let's wait and see.

"Are you free tomorrow? I'll introduce you to my girlfriend," I said.

"Why? You're asking me for a blessing or something?" Jihoon chuckled. No. I want to see if you're going to make any move on my girlfriend.

"Kind of. It just doesn't feel right if I don't introduce my friend to my girlfriend," I said. Well. The truth is, I'm introducing my girlfriend to my crush. Am I bad for doing so? I don't know. I'm just trying. There's a lot of things I wanted to prove. I want to see if I can stop having a crush on Park Jihoon. I want to see if Park Jihoon steals people's girlfriends. I want to know if Somyi sunbaenim's feeling toward Jihoon is just a mere crush and she actually genuinely has a feeling toward me or not. There's a lot. I'm trying to have a normal relationship. This is my first relationship anyway. "Are you free or not?"

"I'm free. But won't it be awkward for me to third wheel you guys?" Jihoon asked.

"Should I ask her to bring her friend so you won't get bored or something?" I asked. Why the hell did I even give this kind of suggestion? Am I a stupid? I'm not sure if my feeling toward Jihoon is more than just a mere crush and now I'm suggesting to him to try getting a partner? Won't I regret it if he somehow really did get a partner?

"Nah. That might be worse," Jihoon said. "Just text me the time and the place. I'll go there,"

"Promise?" I asked.

"Yes. Promise,"

As promised, I waited in front of the cafe where we were going to meet the very next day. I already told Somyi sunbaenim that Park Jihoon is going to be around as well because I wanted to introduce her to him. And she said she's fine with it. Somyi sunbaenim told me that she'll be a little late so she asked me to wait inside first. But now, I'm waiting for Park Jihoon.

"Sorry. I'm late," Jihoon said as soon as he approached me.

"It's okay. Somyi sunbaenim is going to be late as well," I said. I looked at Jihoon. "Are you alright? What happened to your eyes?"

"Ah. This. Someone suddenly shared a sad movie link with me yesterday and I accidentally watched it. I was about to stop watching it but the story got more interesting and I couldn't stop watching it. I ended up staying up late and even cried watching that movie. That's why I'm late," Jihoon said.

"Why the hell did you suddenly watch a movie last night?" I chuckled. "Let's wait inside. I was waiting for you,"

We then both walked inside and waited for Somyi sunbaenim. As soon as she arrived, she looked extremely happy seeing Jihoon. Just by looking at her face, I can tell that the effort that she put on her appearance today is for Park Jihoon. I can tell that because that's how I always look in the mirror every time I'm going to hang out with Jihoon. It sent me a weird sting in my chest.

"Introducing. This is my girlfriend, Somyi sunbaenim. And sunbae. This is my best friend, Park Jihoon," I said. Somyi sunbaenim just smiled widely at Jihoon. Jihoon, as always, just politely smiled back. I don't think that this is a good idea anymore. Why the hell did I think it is a good idea to introduce them to each other? Because I now obviously hated the atmosphere here. I just wanted to end this quickly and go home.


"Jihoonie~" I called out his name as soon as I saw him at the gate. He turned to me and smiled. He stopped as if he's waiting for me to come to him. I walked even faster toward him. I wrapped my left arm around his neck from his side. Almost like I head locked him because of the difference of our height. I can hear him chuckling. Oh. How I miss this.

It has been almost 2 months since the day I decided to go out with Somyi sunbaenim. And for that period of time, I feel like Jihoon is getting distant from me. He rarely hangs out with me as much as we did before. He probably just wants to give me space and time to spend with my girlfriend. But for that period of time, I realized that my feeling isn't something that I can easily alert just because I wanted to. I still like him a lot even though I've been spending more time with my girlfriend. I can't really treat my girlfriend like how I imagine I would. I feel bad for that.

But will I be able to treat Jihoon as a lover? I don't know. I never even thought about that. I just stared at his face. The face that I missed a lot. My eyes dropped to his lips. For some reason, that lips feel like it is calling me to get closer. To have a taste of them.

"Hyunsuk hyung?" Jihoon called me. I looked up to his eyes. Oops! Did I make him worried again? Since we decided to be friends, Jihoon has been taking care of me very well. He's really attentive and caring. While me, nonstop making him worried. It's not even my intention though. But having him worried about me is not a bad idea. Because it shows that he still cares a lot about me. "Are you alright?"

"Oh. Yeah. I'm alright," I said. I slowly pulled back my arm that's wrapped around his neck. "We haven't got time to hang out together these days,"

"Yeah. I'm busy with the science competition too," Jihoon said.

"Right! You told me that the teachers asked you to participate in that, right?" I just remembered about the science competition. "How is it?"

"We manage to go to the final round," Jihoon said.

"As expected from my Jihoonie," I said while messing his hair.

"Hyung~" Jihoon whined.

"Hyunsuk-ah," both of us turned to the voice calling out my name. It's Somyi sunbaenim.

"I'll get going first, hyung," Jihoon said before he just walked away. Somyi sunbaenim walked toward me.

"We need to talk," Somyi sunbaenim said.

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