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"Come and join us, photographer-nim. I'm going to buy you a high quality beef," The team leader of the company I just finished the photoshoot session with said. After the collaboration with Asahi for the models photoshoot that the agency Jaehyuk worked at arranged, I noticed that I've received a lot of requests from companies to do their photoshoots. It's not a bad thing though. I enjoyed having gigs flowing in. But now, this time he's not in a good mood. It's not really having companies as my client is the problem, it's the person in this company that makes me pissed off.

Yes. The team leader. I took this job last week and had a meeting with the staff 2 times before the actual photoshoot session today. For the 3 meetings, I kept witnessing all the power tripping he did to his subordinates. And it's totally unpleasant. He's not only abusing his power but also verbally harassing his staff and acting like it's the most normal thing to do. I can totally see that his colleagues are uncomfortable with his actions. But the scumbag being ignorant as he is, just keeps on doing so. And now he even asked me to join their company for dinner?

Hell no. I'm not going to make myself witness more of his indecent acts. I'm not one of the staff of the company so I feel like it's useless if I complain. It could make the acts toward the staff getting worse too. For now, I just won't let myself spend more time with the team leader at least. But now, I'm lost. He heard my conversation with the other staff asking if I have any plans tonight because the photoshoot might get dragged out. And I told them that I'm free. Hearing that, the team leader keeps pestering me to join them for their company dinner.

I need to find something to get out of this. Should I call someone? Or text anyone to call me and act like I have an emergency now? But who should I call? Jihoon. Yes! He will do.

"Oh? Hyung?" I turned at the familiar voice calling my name. My savior. Park Jihoon. Is this fate? I just thought of calling him asking him to help me but he appeared as if he heard my thoughts. "You just finished work?"

"Oh. Jihoon. It has been a very long time since the last time we met, right? When was the last time? 2 years ago?" I asked while sending him signals with my eyes. Hoping for him to help me. We just met a few days ago. I'm just being over so they will let me go. 

"Yes. It has been ages," Jihoon said. I'm glad that he's playing along with me. "Are you free now? I want to buy you dinner. I might not see you in these few weeks. I have a lot of work after this? Or do you have any plans? Are you going with your coworkers?"

"AH! They are my clients from General Enterprise," I said, introducing the people. 

"Oh. I forgot that you're a freelancer. Are you still freelance? I saw a photoshoot with your name on the credit. It's models from Trial Entertainment? I thought you joined their partner's company," Jihoon said. "We haven't talked to each other for ages,"

"Oh. I feel like I can't join the company dinner for now," I told the team leader. Jihoon worked hard showing his sad expression to make it more believable. Cute.

"What to do. You should be catching up with your friend, photographer-nim. I hope we can meet again for another photoshoot if we had any," the team leader said.

"Sure. Sure," I said. Well. I hope you are not in the company anymore if I get a request for another photoshoot. I waved at them before following Jihoon toward our neighborhood. Should I buy some beers? I'll ask Jihoon to join me. "Jihoon-ah. I'm going to buy something,"

"Oh?" Jihoon looked at the convenience store. Actually this convenient store is closer to my apartment complex than Jihoon. But I'll go to Jihoon's place. 

"Welcome. Oh! Hyunsuk hyung," Yedam, the part time worker at the convenient store greeted me. He peeked out, probably looking for Jihoon because usually Jihoon will come in with me.

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