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"Hyunsuk," I was yawning when I heard someone calling out my name. I stopped walking and turned toward the owner of that familiar voice; Choi Yeonjun. He walked faster toward me. 

"Yo," I said after he finally stood near me. We walked side by side entering the school gate. I went to school alone today, unlike usual, I'll go with Jihoon and when I'm still dating Somyi sunbaenim, I'll walk to school with her. But for today, I'm quite late and Jihoon needs to be early to school because he has something to do at school before school starts. That's why I'm walking alone right now. 

"Are you alright?" Yeonjun asked. I turned to him. Why the hell did he suddenly ask that? Am I looking too tired or something? He has never been this caring before.

"I'm okay. I'm just a little sleepy," I said.

"I heard that you broke up with Somyi sunbaenim," hearing him saying that, my legs stopped. Ah.. I.. about that. I then continued to walk. I just realized that there's a lot of the kids who walked around us looking at me with a look that I can't really interpret. I didn't really take a good look at their expressions either, but I'm quite sure that they are looking at me with some kind of expression. Is that the reason? Because they already heard that I broke up with Somyi sunbaenim? "Park Jihoon is really stealing people's girlfriends huh?"


"Right? You broke up with Somyi sunbaenim because he seduced Somyi sunbaenim, right? I heard that he even asked Somyi sunbaenim out when you guys are still in a relationship. Almost everyone knows about it already and they're pitying you for that," Yeonjun said. I see. Seems like Somyi sunbaenim is really starting to spread the rumors. "Wait! Do you still have no idea about it? OMG! I shouldn't say that,"

I stopped again when I saw Park Jihoon at the information board on that floor. I saw people looking at him and whispering to each other about him.

"The rumors were true. He really did steal his friends' girlfriends,"

"What is he trying to prove by stealing other people's girlfriends? His friends' girlfriends at that? He's a real scum,"

"He really walking around as if he's innocent,"

"I really think he's cool and almost wanted to be friends with him. After hearing this, I decided not to. What if someday I got a girlfriend? And he's going to steal her just like that? Scary,"

"Oh. It's Park Jihoon," Yeonjun whispered to me. I was listening to the talks while we're passing the kids in the hallway. "I've told you about him before, right? I was really hoping that it was false. But it turned out to be true. I feel bad to you,"

"You shouldn't be," I said.


"Did you see it with your own eyes, Jihoon seducing Somyi sunbaenim?" I asked. Yeonjun looked confused. "It's true that we broke up. It's Somyi who asked for the break up because she thought that I didn't like her that much. Well, maybe I didn't really give her much attention while we're still dating and it hurt her feelings that she decided to stop being in a relationship with me. While me, I acknowledged my mistake and respected her decision. But all of this has no relation with Park Jihoon at all,"

I left Yeonjun and walked toward Jihoon who's putting something on the information board. I know that he noticed everyone's gazes toward him. I know that he probably can even hear them talking shit about him. But Jihoon, being himself, ignoring everything. He just acted like he didn't even exist in the same space and time as the rest of us.

"Park Jihoon~" I called his name in a whiny tone. I purposely called his name loudly so everyone would look at us. I want everyone to see that Jihoon and I are still on good terms. And those rumors are false and baseless. Jihoon turned toward me. He looked surprised and confused. As if he didn't expect me to appear before him. I see that he's carrying his camera with him. I think he already expects me to believe those rumors about him and leave him. Like what Yujin said, he has been carrying that camera after everyone started to get distant from him.

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