late night giggles 🤭

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y/n Pov
i was laying in bed watching tiktok it was abt 9:00 pm i was so bored and none of my friends where up i got a text from jaden

jay-y/n i can't sleep and i am outside ur house come outside
y/n-jaden what are u doing
jay-just come outside

i got up and put on a hoddie and got on my slippers i went down the stairs quickly trying not to wake anyone up i walk out side to see jaden smiling at me and laughing he rolled down his window
jaden-why hello y/n
y/n-what do u want
jaden-hop in we are going to get ice cream
y/n-it's like 9:00 pm at night no
he said giving me puppy dog eyes
y/n-ugh fine wait let me tell my mom
i walk inside to see my mom sitting on the couch with my dad
y/n-hey i am going out with jaden
y/n-okay hun don't stay out late
y/n-i won't dw
my parents let me go out at night only if they know who i was going out with and it was always jaden
i walk outside and get i to jadens car
y/n-okay where are we going
jaden-we are going to get ice cream
i plugged in my phone and played out playlist that we share since we have the best taste in music
we were blaring it and singing on the top of our lungs eventually we got to the ice cream place we hoped out laughing after our singing session
we walked in and ordered our favourite ice cream we went back to the car and started joking around and telling each-other jokes i couldn't breathe at all i had to open the wi die to get air while jaden laughed at me i finally caught my breath and jaden drive me home he stopped at my house
jaden-that was one of the funniest late night drives we ever had
y/n-i agree okay i need to go to bed
jaden-ye same also i don't know if anyone told u but javon is coming back home tomarorw and i wanna know if u wanna come with me my mom and dad to get him from the airport
y/n-oh nobody told me but sure
jaden-okay see u around 1
y/n-ye sure bye jaden
jaden-bye y/n
as i got out of the car i couldt stop thinking what is will be like with javon back he wasn't around for two years and i got use to it i thought he hated me he always gave me that vibe i hated it once i got up to my room i took off my hoddie and slippers and brushed my teeth and hoped i to bed i couldt stop think about it i put on music to help me think about something else i eventually fell asleep

jadens pov
after i dropped y/n home i couldn't wait for it to be tomorrow i really missed javon as i haven't seen him in ages and i invited y/n to go w me cause the car ride to the airport would be so boring without her i went upstairs to my room and brushed my teeth and fell straight asleep

586 words

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