"Have you met her"

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Javons Pov
i woke up i looked around trying to figure out where i was i look over to my left and see jaden and Yn what the hell i looked for my and found it on the side table beside me i notice a photo of yn and her brother she looked pretty in it Javon what are u saying i quickly snapped out of my thoughts i hear someone moving beside me it's yn "uh morning javon" i hear her sweet little voice say She looked at me rubbing her eyes "Morning yn" i say looking down at her "what happened"she says laying her head back on the pillow "i think we fell asleep watch hung the movie"i say looking at my phone "oh okay i am gonna go downstairs i will be back" "kk" she got off the bed and went downstairs i say there for a bit on my phone waiting for her to come back and jaden to wake up after a bit i heard a groan coming from beside me "ugh what time is it " jaden says rolling over towards me " moring sleepyhead it's 11:30 "
"shit man i was suppose to meet jayla half a hour ago" "ahah u wanna hurry up " "Ahhhhh where my shoes " he says running around the room until he found them and ran outside the door i heard him stop and yns voice i heard him running down the stairs and saying bye to yns mom "hey breakfast is ready come on" yn says standing at the door "yesss i am so hungry" i say getting off the bed and walking towards her "so why was jaden in a rush" "oh he had to meet jayla for something half a hour ago" "oh okay" we walk into the kitchen "omg it's smells so nice" i say taking a seat beside yn "thank you javon" yns mom smiles at me

we ate and went back upstairs "i think i am gonna go home i have to train for a boxing match coming up" "oh okay see you tomorrow " "ye " i got my stuff and went downstairs "bye yn" "bye javon"she says smiling at me and shutting the door i walk home and see another car in the drive way i walk inside and see coco jayla and jaden sitting on the couch "oh hey coco" "hey javon where have u been" she says coming towards me hugging me "oh i was just at a friends house" "oh who" "yn" she pulled away from the hug and looked at me i didn't know what to say and i couldn't lie to her "oh what did you do" "uh we just watched a movie and we fell asleep jaden was there too" "oh okay you have fun" "ye i am just gonna get changed i will be down in a minute" i look over at jaden and jayla trying to avoid contact with coco i walk pat her and go upstairs i get a shower and and get changed i walk downstairs and see them sitting on the couch watching a movie i sit beside coco and watch the movie with them i whispered into cocos ear that she can come over tomorrow and we can hop i to the pool she asked me if yn was coming i said ye but she will be mostly with jaden and said ok we continued to watch the movie

Yn Pov
since javon and jaden left i was trying to pick out a bathing suit for tomorrow i had a few options but i didn't know which one i narrowed it down to two

Yn Povsince javon and jaden left i was trying to pick out a bathing suit for tomorrow i had a few options but i didn't know which one i narrowed it down to two

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i went down to my mom to ask her and she said the pink one so i left that out with a towel i layed on my bed and watched TikTok for a bit

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i went down to my mom to ask her and she said the pink one so i left that out with a towel i layed on my bed and watched TikTok for a bit

i heard a knock on my door "Come in" "heyy" jaden said peeking his head out the door "heyyy what are u doing here" "coco is over i also brought someone else "he said opeing the door revealing jayla "OMG JAYLA"i say jumping off my bed and running to her "how come u never get excited when i come"jaden says with a frown on his face "i am always with u" "true" "heyyy yn coco is over and we can't do anything"she said "oh god" i say walking over to my bed they followed we sat on the bed "javon came home from urs and she didn't seem happy when he told her where he was"jaden said "Hahahah stop would love to seen that" "Have you met her" jayla asked "ye i did. at the party but i don't she likes me from when i met her and after hearing that" we laughed and talked a bit more "so you guys wanna stay the night" "i don't mind" jayla said "ye me either i don't wanna be in that house"he said laughing we all started laughing "jaden u wanna go get out stuff "jayla said "ye sure" "we will be back yn" jayla said getting off the bed "ye ok take ur time" i got off the bed and walked downstairs "mom jayla and jaden are staying the night do we have any snacks"
"ye sure in the bottom  drawer "she said from the living room  "okay thank you " i got the snacks and went back up to my room i got a text that they were here and i went down and opened the door we went upstairs "omg yn i could never go back i to that house again" jaden says hugging me "why what's wrong"i say wrapping me arms around him "they were cuddling on the couch"jayla saying laughing "oh no"i say trying not to laugh at jaden "uh let's watch a movie"i say putting my hands on jadens shoulders and pulling away we went to my bed and layed down and watched a movie  we stayed up late talking and laughing we soon fell asleep

1018 words 🧸

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