Lazy Day Pt2 🧺

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Yn Pov

i woke up to the sound of something being hit on my window i got up and walk towards it i open the window and look down and see a black haired boy looking up at me "Javon what are you doing here" i say rubbing my eyes "wow u look even more beautiful in the morning" he says smiling "go home javon i am coming over later"i say about to shut the window "wait" "what?" i say confused "who u coming over for" he asks "your twin now goodbye" i shut the window and walk towards my bathroom i brush my teeth and hair i put on some comfy clothes since today was gonna be a lazy day

i woke up to the sound of something being hit on my window i got up and walk towards it i open the window and look down and see a black haired boy looking up at me "Javon what are you doing here" i say rubbing my eyes "wow u look even more beautif...

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i went downstairs to the kitchen "morning mom and dad" i say going to get a plate "morning sweetie" mom says "morning" my dad chimes in "i am going over to the Walton's today"i say putting bread in the toaster "okay have fun"she said them continue to talk to my dad my toast popped i added some fruit to my plate and sat up at the island and caught up on whatever happened when i was alseep on insta while eating my breakfast.


i finished my breakfast and went upstairs i went to my bathroom and done some light makeup just mascara and some concealer and lipgloss i got my book off my dresser and went to my balcony and sat down and started reading.


i checked the time and seen it was nearly dinner i put my book back on my dresser and closed my big balcony doors they were so heavy that's why i don't go out there as much it's too much effort to open and close them i went downstairs and as i said it was nearly dinner my mom was just playing up the food "oh hey yn here is ur plate" she said handing me a plate "thank you" we sat down at the table "yn u excited for the dancing lessons tomorrow"my brother asked "eh kinda i won't have to sit at the table with those girls again"i said "you still have the dinner to go then the ball but you will be sitting with us at the ball" my mom said "ughh"

we finished up dinner and cleaned the table i ran upstairs and got my phone and shoes i went back down "bye mom and dad i am going over to the Walton's" "okay bye" i ran outside the door and walked over to the Waltons i knocked on the door and javon answered "hello princess"he said smiling "hi javon" "come in" he said i stepped inside "is jaden here" i asked "not yet he will be soon" he said "is jayla here?" "ye she is upstairs" "okay thank you" i make my way upstairs "what's wrong with me" "noting i just need to talk to jayla and jaden and me and watching a movie when he gets back so u can join" i said smiling "okay then i will call you when he gets back" he said "okay" i went upstairs to jaylas room i walked in "JAYLAAA" "YNNNNN" i went over to her and hugged her "so tell me what happened yesterday"she said sitting down on her bed "so the lady brought jaden and i to my table then brought jaden to his and when i sat down my Ded big sister said hi to me whatever then a girl asked me how did i know the Walton's i just said i grew up with you guys then they asked me about me then it went straight back to the twins and all ugh it was just so bad"i said "what where they asking?"she asked "like would i ever date the twins or have i ever liked any of them" "would you" "nooo jaden and i are best friends and javon and i are just friends" i said but deep down javon and i were something else not just friends not best friends not gf/bf something else we got interrupted by jaden coming into jayla room "hey yn and jayla" heyy" we said in unison "yn i got my suit for the dinner and ball come look" "kk bye jayla "i said getting up and walking towards the door "bye yn" i walked i to jadens room and he had the suit layed out on the bed "what do we think" "it's great i am so excited for the ball we have dance lessons tomorrow btw"i said turning to him "oh yes i will collect you" "thank you now let's watch this movie" i said "oh yesss" we walked downstairs "i am going to get the snacks u go pick a movie"jaden said "okayyy" i went to the living room and seen javon sitting on the couch on his phone "oh hey javon"i said sitting beside him "hey princess"he said smirking "not now ur brother is in the the kitchen" i said on my phone "so what i don't care" "well i do javon" jaden came back with the snacks he handed me a bowl of popcorn "thanks" "oh javon i didn't know u we're here i can go get u a bowl if u want"jaden said "nah it's fine i will share with yn" i didn't mind the bowl was really big " you pick a movie yet" jaden asked me "nope you can pick i don't mind" he choose a scary movie he knows i don't like them but i watched it to keep him happy javon layed down beside me he kept looking up at me i fought him doing it a few times.

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