Airport trip pt2 ✈️

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Yn Pov

i woke up and today was the day javon would be going back to California for filming for a month i didn't know how to feel about it but i was happy he is doing something he likes other than boxing.

i got out of bed and stumbled my way to my bathroom i looked in the mirror and grabbed my toothbrush for the side i started to brush my teeth.

i wash off my face and put some light makeup on i brushed my hair and went to my wardrobe i didn't know what to wear
i picked out a grey hoodie and and matching joggers and a white tank top.

i went downstairs for breakfast "Morning mom dad and yb" i say entering the kitchen "morning here" my mom says handing me a plate with toast and fruit i sat down at the island i was on my phone

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i went downstairs for breakfast "Morning mom dad and yb" i say entering the kitchen
"morning here" my mom says handing me a plate with toast and fruit i sat down at the island i was on my phone.

i finished up my breakfast and went upstairs i was sitting on my bed when i checked time it was 11:45 i got up and put on my shoes i went downstairs "BYE MOM I AM GOING TO THE AIPORT WITH THE WALTONS" i shout then leave i run over to the Walton's house i knock on the door and jayla opens "OMGG YNNN YOUR BACKKKK" she says hugging me "YESSS OMG I MISSED YOU SO MUCH"i say "AWHH I MISSED YOU TOO come in" i walk in i seen javons suitcase by the door i see Dj and Jess in the kitchen and jaden i walk over "heyy" "hi sweetie" jess says coming around the island hugging me "how was New York" she asks "it was amazing" i say pulling out of the hug "what did you go over for" "Vogue" "OMGGG YNNN that's amazing i can't wait to read it" "thank you".

jess and Dj where second parents to me i loved them with everything they were my second supporters jess and my mom actually went to high school together and we're good friends but drifted apart when they left high school then they had me jaden and javon and jaden and i where like two peas in a pod we done/do everything together all the hallowe'en's Christmas easter and summer we always spent it with the Waltons except one year when my grandma died we spent Christmas with my grandpa it really was sad jaden was there for me but we couldn't spend Christmas together but we always do now.

Jess Jayla and I were talking about New York until javon came storming down the stairs daelo following behind him "Mom have you seen my hat" javon ask jess "ye it in the living room" javon looks at me and i look back at him he walks away and i to the living room.

Daelo spots me "YNNNN UR BACKKKK" he says running towards me i pick him up and hug him "hey little man" "i am not little i am big" "u always be my little man" everyone laughs "how was new york yn" daelo asks me while i sit him on my lap "it was so fun you should come with me next time" "there's a next time" "oh yeah i forgot to tell you i am a model for Vogue now so i will be travelling a lot but not over the school year we agreed that school comes first" i say "wow that's really good yn" Dj says to me "congratulations" jess says.

"okay i am ready to go now" javon says coming into the kitchen "okay let's goo" DJ says we all go out and into the car i sat in the very back with jaden then in-front of us it was jayla daelo and javon.

jaden and i talked all the way to the airport we laughed a lot and caught up on the stuff we missed out on when everything happened.

we finally arrived at the airport  we all got out and walked in javon turned around Jess and Dj hugged him then jaden then jayla then dark then it was me i walked up to him and hugged him he hugs me back  "bye javon" i say while hugging him "bye princess" he whispers into my ear i pull away and smiled at him i wouldn't see him for a month things can't change he will come back and everything will be like this just right now everything okay jaden and i best friends me and him i don't know what we are he said bye to us one more time and went that was the last time i would see him for a month noting can change.

we got into the car and drove him on the way home we stopped in to mc Donald's and got some food we finished and went home  i was staying the night with jayla to catch up on things.

i went up to her room she gave me Pjs she went down and got snacks she came back up "okay girl tell me everything" "okayyy so when i got to New York it was just for business ye"i say "yeaaaa" "i get into our car a tall blonde boy sitting in the passenger seat" "ooooo this is getting good" "so after like two days he asked me for my number and we went out in new York  after my meeting then on the plane ride home he was sitting beside me turns out he was moving to Atlanta  and i have a date with him tomorrow at six" "omgggg ynnn that's so good he might be going to our school" jayla says "oh wow i didn't think of that um" "yn your gonna be fine what does he look like"
i showed her this picture

i went up to her room she gave me Pjs she went down and got snacks she came back up "okay girl tell me everything" "okayyy so when i got to New York it was just for business ye"i say "yeaaaa" "i get into our car a tall blonde boy sitting in the pa...

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"oh girl u got lucky" she says "thank youuuu now what's up with you" "noting really"
"really noting" "yup".

we talked for ages and laughed and watched a movie.

we soon fell asleep.

AN-I was suppose to write this chapter last night but i was too tried and i said i would write it today and post it tomorrow but i am happy i got it done hope u liked it .

1048 words ✈️

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