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Saturday 9:55am
Javons Pov
i woke up ready to go to see yn like i do every morning i love seeing her before anyone else she looks 10x prettier in the morning.

i got out of bed and brushed my teeth i changed into my running clothes since i say i am going for a run but i usually just go to yns but today i have go for a run or else my dad will get mad.

i went downstairs "morning mom"i say sitting at the island "morning javon you want pancakes this morning" "no thanks just a granola bar please"i say she hand me the granola bar "okay i am going for a run be back in a bit"i say walking to the door "okay sweetie" i went out and walked over to yns house i went around to her window i picked up the tiny stones she has all around her house i started throwing them up i heard the window open "morning javon" she says rubbing her eyes "morning" i look up and smile at her "everything okay" she asks "yea i just wanted to see you before anyone else"i say she smiles "okay i better go get ready"she says "okay bye see you later" "see u later bye" she closes the window i go back to the path and start my run.

an-awh how cute is javon being right now hopefully he continues to be like this 😵‍💫

Yn Pov
since javon had already woken me up i went to my bathroom brushed my teeth and put my hair in a braided ponytail i went to my wardrobe and picked out some gym clothes

i went downstairs "morning mom" "morning darling" "i am going for a run today i am just gonna get a apple" "okay sweetie ur nail appointment is at 3 okay" "okay perfect thank you bye" "bye darling" i walk out the door i stand at the end of my driv...

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i went downstairs "morning mom" "morning darling" "i am going for a run today i am just gonna get a apple" "okay sweetie ur nail appointment is at 3 okay" "okay perfect thank you bye" "bye darling"
i walk out the door i stand at the end of my driveway which wash to go left or right.

i choose right i put my AirPods into and started listening to Dua Lipa i was running when i seen someone running towards me they picked up there pace it was javon "hi princess"he says with a smirk i paused my music "heyy" he hugged me "eww ur all sweaty"i say giggling "maybe i can get one later when i am not?" he asks "yess you can"  i say smiling we stood there for a second he kissed me "okay then see you later bye princess" he starts  running "bye" i say faintly i stand there looking at him running away a smile makes it's way across my face i quickly snap back into reality and start running.


After my run i got a shower and done my skincare i didn't do any makeup cause i have the dinner tonight i got changed

After my run i got a shower and done my skincare i didn't do any makeup cause i have the dinner tonight i got changed

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