"Will you be my girlfriend"

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Yn Pov

it's been a couple of days since what happened Marcus jayla and jaden have been there for me throughout the whole thing i am over it now.

Today i am going out with Marcus we are going to the park.

I got up and walked into the bathroom i brushed my teeth i got a shower dried my hair and put on some light makeup i went into my wardrobe and picked out a outfit

I went downstairs  to the kitchen "morning" i say going to get a granola bar from the counter "morning sweetie" my mom said pouring her morning coffee there was always a strong small of it in the morning and my dad always drank tea

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I went downstairs  to the kitchen "morning" i say going to get a granola bar from the counter "morning sweetie" my mom said pouring her morning coffee there was always a strong small of it in the morning and my dad always drank tea.

i sat down at the island "what are you doing today" my dad asked "just going to the park with Marcus" i said opening the bar "oh well have fun i am off to work now" my dad said "okay bye" i said "bye" my mom and brother said as my dad left the kitchen "i will be up in my room tell me when Marcus is here" i say getting up "ok sweetie " my mom said i left the kitchen and when upstairs.

i went up to my room i went to my bathroom and started cleaning up there my room was pretty tidy one day i deep cleaned the whole thing something just got to me that day i grabbed my book and opened the big balcony doors i sat down on one of the chairs and started reading.


i was finishing up my lunch i heard a knock at the door "i will get that"my brother says standing up i hear mumbling i continue to eat my brother walks into the kitchen with Marcus "yn Marcus is here" my brother says  "hi marcus" i say standing up to hug him "hi" he says "Marcus you want some food" my mom asks "no thank i just had some" i finished up my food and put my dish in the sink "okay we can go now " i say walking over to him "okay" he says "okay bye mom dad yb" "bye" they all said 2"we walk out to the door "sorry about that "i say getting into his car "ur fine" he says as we drive off to the park.

we arrived at the park and we stayed to play some soccer we were messing around for a while "omg i need to sit down" i say laughing i got to the nearest bench he sat down beside me we started laughing i put my head on his shoulder we finally caught out breathe "yn" he asked "yea" "can i ask you something" "yea sure"  "Will you be my girlfriend" he asked i took my head off his shoulder i looked at him "really?"i say shocked "ye" "OMG YESSS" i hug him he hugs me back "can we get ice cream" i ask "Yess come onn" we get up and walk to his car and we get in he starts to drive "sooo my birthday is next week and i was wondering u could come only if your schedule is free" i say looking over at him he looks over at me "it's always free for you just let me know what time" he says "yea we are still deciding what day and time we just know it's next week" "perfect" we arrived at the ice cream place it was the one me and jaden always go to we walked in and went to the counter "hey cal" i say "hey yn where is jaden" "oh he is at practice but this is Marcus And Marcus this cal he knows me and jaden very  well" "oh okay" "okay what can i get for you"cal asks "my usual please" i say "and for you"he asks Marcus "the same please" okay coming right up" we go and sit down at our table jaden and i only go to the corner table when he is with  me but since people don't really know Marcus we can sit in the open we sit down and cal brings over the ice cream we talk and laugh a lot.

we finish up the ice cream and i go to pay i just told Marcus i was going to the bathroom "here to pay cal" "it's on the house yn" "no seriously cal" "no yn now who is that boy" "Marcus the one i told you about last week" "ooooohhh yes you guys together" "i will have to tell you what happens when jaden is here" "uhh yn" "sorry cal i better be going have a lovely day" "you too" i walk over to Marcus "come one we can go" "but we have to pay" "it's on the house cal said" "oh okay then" "you wanna come over to the Waltons with me i was going over after being with you" "yea sure" "perfect" we get up and go out to his car we get in he starts to drive to the Waltons house.

We arrive i walk up to the door and knock Jayla answers "YNNNN" "heyyy jaylaaa" i give her a hug Marcus is behind me "omg you must be marcus" jayla says "yea nice to meet you" marcus says i look up at him and he looks down at me and give me the *you talking about me look* i smile up at him "comeee inn jaden will be here any minute"
"perfect we have to tell you something anyway and i need help on my birthday party" "oh yes have u picked out a theme yet" jayla asks walking to the living room "yeaaa" i say sitting down "oooo what is it"  "old money so everyone come in gowns and boys in suits" "YESSs OMGGG" "we need to start planning" i say "yesss" we talked more about the party we heard the door open jaden walks in "hey jaden"i say  "oh hey yn" "oh y this is Marcus" i say looking at Marcus "hey man"jaden says walking over to Marcus  "what's up" Marcus says standing up and dabbing up jaden "oh guys we wanted to tell you that WE ARE TOGETHER" "Jayla stands up "OMGGG I KNEW IT" she says coming over to hug me "happy for you two i will be cal down give me a minute"jaden says going upstairs "kk"
"Movie" jayla asks "yea sure"Marcus and i say jaden came down and sat beside jayla
half way through the movie i was on my phone looking at dresses
i seen this  one

We arrive i walk up to the door and knock Jayla answers "YNNNN" "heyyy jaylaaa" i give her a hug Marcus is behind me "omg you must be marcus" jayla says "yea nice to meet you" marcus says i look up at him and he looks down at me and give me the *y...

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i instantly bought it while i was on my phone i posted this on insta

i instantly bought it while i was on my phone i posted this on insta

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i turned off my phone and watched the movie.

Javons Pov

since being away from home and yn a lot of things happened i got a gf i woke with her she is really nice i never get alot of time to be on my phone with filming but today we finished filming  early i went to get a  coffee i went to the nearest Starbucks and ordered i sat in my car and went on instagram i was looking through everyone's story's and yns popped up my heart kinda dropped but i put the feeling aside as i was with gia i turned off my phone and drove back to set i got into my trailer it was late so i get ready to go to bed i would be home next week they said around a month but we are getting a-lot  done i changed and brushed my teeth i got into my bed and fell asleep.

An- this took forever to write  and i am so sorry i just kinda lost motivation but i have a lot of ideas so keep reading also people respond to whoever you want the next story to be about it would really help with planning it out🎀

13341 Words 🎀

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