ur okay

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we have been awake for a bit we go breakfast and some dinner i went back home.

i layed  in bed for a while i didn't feel like getting up or doing anything i was still upset about the whole javon thing.

i was sitting in bed when i heard a knock at my door "come in" i said sitting on my phone the door creaked open i turn my head to see Marcus "hey yn" "oh hey marcus come over here" i said he walked over and sat down at the end of my bed i scooted over a bit "i came to check on you"
he said "thank you" "u weren't answering my calls or texts i got worried" "ye sorry it's just i wanted to distance myself" "i get you don't worry" "thank you" he came up closer and hugged me "how about we go out for dinner" "Marcus i am n-" "we have time you can get ready" he looked into my eyes i couldn't say no to him "fine" i said turning the blanket over and walk to my bathroom.

i brushed my hair and done skincare and makeup next was outfit

i got my white heels and put them on i got my perfume and sprayed it on

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i got my white heels and put them on i got my perfume and sprayed it on.

i walked out of the bathroom "okay i am ready" "you look beautiful yn" he said coming closer to me and kissing my check "thank you" "let's go" i grabbed my phone and we walked downstairs together "wait i need to tell my mom" "okay i will wait out in the car" "kk" i walked into the living room "bye mom i am going out with Marcus for dinner" "okay sweetie just be carful and if you want to come home tell him or call me" "okay bye" "bye bye".

i walked out to the car he opened the door for me i got in and he went around he got in and we started driving the music was low he put his hand on my knee butterflies flew around my stomach i never felt anything like it before i looked over at him he looked at me i smiled at him.

we talked a little we arrived at the restaurant we went in and got seated he asked me if everything was okay and what happened i just told him i couldn't keep it from him i told him everything from the very beginning up un til now his smile faded when i told him "yn i am really sorry it all u didn't deserve any of it you the most sweetest prettiest girl i ever met" he said holding my hand i looked into his brown eyes that's when i knew i liked him.

after that our food came out and we talked more we finished up and payed and left on and went home.

we arrived at my house "thank you Marcus for tonight it was really fun" "no problem yn" we looked at each other and kissed it continued we both pulled away "i better be going" "ye see u tomorrow" "yea goodnight Marcus" "Night yn" i got out  and walked to the door i turned around and waved him goodbye i went inside i went upstairs and into my moms room "hey mom i am home" "hey sweetie how was it" "good" "good now u go get some rest" "okay night".

i went into my room and into my bathroom i took off my makeup and brushed my teeth got changed into my pjs

i brushed my hair and got into bed  i was happy that i finally figured out that i liked Marcus thinking about all of this made me tired i plugged in my phone and fell asleep

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i brushed my hair and got into bed  i was happy that i finally figured out that i liked Marcus thinking about all of this made me tired i plugged in my phone and fell asleep.

AN-Ew i hate how short this is is anyone has any ideas for jaden jayla yn and Marcus to do anything please tell me and also please tell me what u want for the announcement i made 🩶

674 words 🩶

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