"why is everyone staring?"

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I woke up yesterday we didnt have school so i stayed home and studied since I had alot of test coming up i got out of bed and went straight to my bathroom i done a light makeup brushed my teeth and brushed my hair I went to my wardrobe and got out my outfit

I woke up yesterday we didnt have school so i stayed home and studied since I had alot of test coming up i got out of bed and went straight to my bathroom i done a light makeup brushed my teeth and brushed my hair I went to my wardrobe and got out...

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Marcus had said sorry for last week and he now sits with us at break and javon has finally started speaking to me again he is with us at break and he is also in my science class.

I went downstairs after putting on my shoes i walked into the kitchen "morning" I say going to the cabient to get a plate " morning sweetie" my mom says " where is dad" I ask "oh he had to go into work early a client had stuff to talk about" she said " oh okay" I say pouring the milk into the bowl filled with cereal I sat down at the island on my phone catching up on everything that happened while I was asleep  I got a text from jayla saying she was outside " bye mom jayla is outside i will see you at 3" i say while getting up and putting my dish in the sink " bye darling have a great day " i walk out and get into the car "heyy guys" i said putting my seatbelt on "heyy yn" jaden says in a happy tone " why are you so happy" i ask " noting" he giggle " okay then " "hey yn " javon says "hey" i say smiling to myself "hi yn" jayla spoke "hello" "javon can you please play some music " jaden said " yea please" i spoke up " fine" he put on popular by the weekend  we all started singing and laughing we finally got to school we stepped out of jayla car

we were all walking into the building javo and jaden where standing on either side of me jayla saw kylee and ran to her "Why  is everyone staring?"  I ask " uh I don't know "javon says confusingly " same" jaden says " i am gonna go to locker see you guys later" i say " yea same" jaden says "bye " javon said as jaden and i walked away our lockers were on opisite side of the school i get to my locker i open it and start taking out my books and putting them in usally  Marcus would come to my locker and meet me here bye he did okay some thing is wrong i go to my Drama  class  i go in and find my seat i take out my books and study for a bit before class started the bell rang people were coming in and looking at me and whispering i thought i had some thing on my face i pulled out my phone and checked if i did on my camea  i had noting on my face i just chosed to ignore it  class stared.

i had English and maths after Drama  Avery wasnt that was suprising cause her parent would never let her skip a day it was maths with jaden that was funny cause the teacher cannot controll us at all so jaden and i just talked and laughed.

it was now lunch i went to my locker while walking to the canteen everyone was still staring even people older than me i was so confused i grabbed my lunch and went to sit with jayla kylee and jaden we were all talking when i looked around there was A LOT of people looking at me i got scared i said i would ignore it but i really could't now there was people everywhere worse than this morning javon came spriting over to me he whispered in my ear "there is video  going around of Avery  and Marcus making out at leos party last night" i looked at him with tears in my eyes he hugged me tighter than ever i got up and went to the bathroom i couldt sit there any longer and have people staring at me while i cried my eyes out of m stupid boyfriend well now ex boyfriend cheat on me with my BEST FUCKING FRIEND.

I got to the bathroom i locked myself in one of the stalls and cried i texted my mom to come pick me up i couldt stay here i didnt want to stay here while i texting my mom jayla and kylee came into the bathroom  "yn its me and kylee please come out" jayla said i unlcoked the stall they seen my red face and hugged me "javon told us what happend are you ok?"kylee asked " yea ill be fine i texted my mom to come pick me up" i said " oh hunny i am so sorry you had to found out like this he is so shitty i knew was bad h is so 2 faced " jayla said " i agree " i giggle while wiping my tears my phone viberated it was my mom " my mom is here i better go" i said " yea text us when you get home" kylee said " i will thank you  girl" i said walking out of the bathroom yet again everyone still staring i just walked out to my mom i signed out and got into the car i sat in and she pulled me into a hug i started crying again " oh hunny everything will be okay"she said i pulled out of the hug "can we go home" i sniffled " yea of course " she said as we drove away.

we got home I ran upstairs i changed into my fluffy pjs and i lite a candle and hopped into bed Marcus didn't even texted me but jaden did he asked me if i was okay and javon did too  i just responded with i was fine and just tried i put my phone down and fell asleep.

an -WHAT THE FUCK  Marcus wasnt the right one and what the hell is up with avery omg this was such a hetic chapter we love javon for telling yn what had happend and he asked her if she was okay but hopefully the next few chapters will be better than this one!! and hope yn is okay too .A reminder can you please tell me who you want my next story to be about please its in the conversations on my profile and a few chapters before this one i really need to know soon !!  Dont forget to vote and comment hope you liked this chapter !!!!!!

1145 words !!

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