jaylas party 🪩

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Yn Pov
I woke excited for jaylas party even tho it wasn't for another few hours i wanted to go over and help set up but i will go over after dinner i got up got i to the shower done my hair care and got out i put my hair in rollers brushed my teeth and went downstairs
"morning guys"i said sitting be side my brother who didn't seem to be in a good mood "morning yn"my dad said handing me a bowl of cereal "what's up with grumpy here" i said side eye my brother "i am not grumpy" he said getting up "oop sorry"i laughed "you excited for the party tonight"
my dad asked "ye i am going over after dinner to help set up and then coming back and getting ready" "morning guys"my mom said coming around the corner" " morning anyway have fun yn"
"thanks dad morning mom"  "morning"
"call m when dinner is ready" "okay honey"
i went upstairs and got changed into some comfy clothes

Yn PovI woke excited for jaylas party even tho it wasn't for another few hours i wanted to go over and help set up but i will go over after dinner i got up got i to the shower done my hair care and got out i put my hair in rollers brushed my teeth...

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i sat in bed and watched TikTok for a while until my dad called me down for dinner i smelled amazing i went downstairs
"mm what is for dinner"
"•your favourite •"
"omg yes "i took a seat beside my brother
we started eating "yn will kylee be at the party"he asked look down at his food
"ye jayla said she will be"i said getting some food on my fork
"just wondering what time does the party start at"
"okayy thanks"
we talked a bit more and i finshed
"okay guys i am going over to jaylas to help i will be back when i am done"
"okay bye yn "
"byeee mom bye dad"
i walked out the door and went to jaylas this party was gonna be the best party all summer no one has thrown better party's than the Walton's they were always fun full of drama and drunk weirdos

i got to the door and knocked and javon answered
"hey yn"
"hey javon is jayla here"
"ye she setting up for the party come in"
"thanks where is she"
"in the kitchen"
"kk thank you"
i walked to the kitchen and see jaden there aswell "hey loser "i said hugging jaden from behind "awh there is my favourite loser"
he said hugging me back "hey i never got a hug" javon said coming i to the kitchen "oh sorry" i said going to give him a hug "thanks" "np heyy jayla"
"hey yn can u pass me the tape"she said pointing to it on the counter "ye sure what for" i said giving her the tape "for the lights"
"oh okay" "hey yn u wanna come with me to get snacks "jaden said turning by to me "ye sure" "kk bye guys"
we went out to jadens car and got in "right so what are we getting" "uh drinks and snacks"he said pulling out of the driveway
"here"he says handing me the six for music
"thank you"i plugged into my phone and started playing out playlist that we created together

we got to target and went in people were asking jaden for pictures and i was in some of them we went around the store and got whatever we needed payed and went out to the car "hey can you drop me home i have to get ready"i say walking to the car
"ye sure you getting ready for tyler"
he says laughing at me "ahah funny no i just wanna look good" i say looking back at him
"okayyy whatever you say"

we got i to the car and he drove me home
"byeee"i say getting out of the car "bye loser" "awh i love you too see u later"
"bye yn"

i walk in and head up stairs i go to my bathroom and get out all my makeup i do my prep and them my makeup i was blasting music while getting ready like who doesn't it always puts me in a better mood and i don't know what to expect tonight since tyler is my +1 it will be interesting
i was doing my hair i put a few rollers in my hair and let them sit for awhile i say on my bed and watched TikTok i checked the time
and seen it was half past five so i decide to take out the rollers

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