Twins Bithday 🥊⚾️

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Disclaimer-there will be kissing in this chapter and also not hate to coco 🫶🏻

Yn Pov
i woke up on the Walton's couch with dealos head laying on my shoulder today was the twins birthday jayla Coco and I well mostly jayla and i planned a surprised birthday party for the boys tonight Dj and Jess said it was perfectly okay and they were going out for dinner and daelo was going over to a friends house so everything was sorted all we need to do is get the both of them out of the house so We can set up we left that to Coco.

after a bit we all had woken up and went to the kitchen for breakfast.We were all sitting at the table eating the pancakes Jess had made for us we wanted to play it off like we completely forgot about there birthday so nobody really talked about it We finished up and i got my things "bye guys i am gonna go home" i said walking to the kitchen "finally" coco whispered "sorry" i asked coco "what"she snapped back at me "you whispered something" "no i didn't" she said "oh okay sorry uh bye" "bye Yn" Jess said to me "see you later"jayla said to me "yup" "what's later"jaden asked me "oh i am just coming over to talk to jayla about something later that's all" i said "oh okay bye yn" jaden said hugging  me "bye jaden" i said hugging him back "bye javon bye daelo" i said walking towards the door "Byeeeeee yn" daelo said running towards me and hugging me leg i lifted him up and gave him a big "bye sweetheart have fun at your friends house"i said while hugging him "i will bye bye" i put him down "bye yn" javon said "bye" i walked out the door and went to my house i got to my door and a parcel was on the step it was for me i hoped it was my dress and i went inside and went to the kitchen i talked to my mom and dad and brother for a bit i went upstairs and opened the parcel it was my dress

We were all sitting at the table eating the pancakes Jess had made for us we wanted to play it off like we completely forgot about there birthday so nobody really talked about it We finished up and i got my things "bye guys i am gonna go home" i s...

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the dress i was gonna wear to the party i couldn't wait to put it on i hung the dress up and put my clothes in laundry i went to my bathroom and got a shower i got out and dried my hair i done my skincare and packed up a bag to bring over to jaylas to get ready over there i texted into the group chat with jayla and coco

twins birthday
yn-coco u are in charge of distracting them twins what are u doing
coco-uh shopping
yn-okay tell us when you are going so jayla and i can set everything up

i sat on my bed and watched some tv killing some time after a bit jayla texted me

Jaylaaaa 🖤
jayla-yn the boys are gone u wanna come over and set up
yn-ye i am on my way now

i got off my bed and grabbed my dress and makeup bag i went downstairs "bye mom and dad i am going over to the walton's it's the boys birthday and we are throwing them a party"i said from the door "okay sweetie have fun" my dad said "yo yn when does the party start"my brother asked when i was walking out the door "around 6"i said "kk see u over there" "okay bye" i said walking out the door and closing it i walked over to the Walton's i opened the door and seen Jess and Dj in the kitchen "heyy" i said coming towards them "hi sweetie"Jess said hugging me "hi yn"Dj said dabbing me up "jayla is upstairs"Jess said to me "okay thank you have fun at your dinner"i said walking backwards to the stairs "we will thank you yn" Dj said i went upstairs and into Jaylas room "heyyyy" i said "HEYY" i look at the floor and see kylee sitting there "OMG KYLEEE" i say running to her "OMG YNNN" we hug and laugh "okay guy we need the banners up snacks out drinks out and cups and fairy lights up" jayla said all serious me and kylee start giggling "Guys stop we need this done coco can only keep them out for 2hours so come on let's go get this done"she says "okay okay let's go cause i need to straighten my hair and do my makeup"i say walking to the door we go downstairs and start setting up everything Dj and Jess help us with the fairly lights and banners after 30 minutes everything is done "okay now that's finished let's start getting ready" we went upstairs and started doing our makeup mine was simple with my lashes done nicely i straightened my hair i then helped kylee curl her hair while kylee helped jayla straighten her hair

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