shopping 🛍️

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y/n pov
i woke up and stubbles to the bathroom i got into the shower and done my hair care i got out frye's my hair and done my skin care and some simple makeup i walked to my wardrobe and picked out a summer outfit

i ran downstairs to get breakfast nobody was up only my brother y/n-morninggg y/b y/b-morning where u going y/n-over to the walton's  y/b-oh y/n-what?y/b-noting y/n-okay tell mom that i am gone over to theres y/b-right bye y/n-byeeeei grabbed a ap...

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i ran downstairs to get breakfast nobody was up only my brother
y/n-morninggg y/b
y/b-morning where u going
y/n-over to the walton's 
y/n-okay tell mom that i am gone over to theres
y/b-right bye
i grabbed a apple before i went over i ran over there and knocked on the door jayla answered
jayla and i where bestfriends
jayla -all u girly come innnn
i walked in
jayla -the boy are not up yet so wanna hand out w me and kylee in my room
we walked up to jaylas room and i see kylee
y/n-omg is that kylee
kylee -omg is that y/n
we ran to eachother and hugged
kylee-i have seen u in so longggg
y/n-ikkk jaden has been hiding me yk
kylee -agreeddd
we talked for ages abt drama and girl stuff
u til javon came i to jaylas room
javon-hey jayla-oh hey y/n
jayla -what do u want javon
javon-do u know where my hair gel is
jayla -why would i know where
me and kylee looked eachother and giggled
we could see javons face go bright red he walked out of the room and we all bursted out laughing then we heard another knock on the door
jayla-come in
jaden-jayla is - oh there u are
jaden-i thought u came over for me
y/n- i did. but u were asleep and jayla said i could stay w her
jaden-okayy then
jayla -we were talking about going to the mall u wanna come
jaden-sure i am gonna ask javon if he wants to come
once he said his name my eyes stared at the ground until i heard jaylas voice
jayla-u ready to go
we all walked out and in to the car it was jayla and kylee in the front then in the back it was jaden me and javon i was in the middle of both of them
we finally reached the mall after singing the whole way there kylee jayla and i all went into bershka we got so many clothes then we went into nike jayla and kylee where looking at jumper while i was looking at the shoes i look to my left and see javon i quickly whip my head back looking at the shoe i feel a pair of eyes biting the side of me i hear them get closer
javon-oo they are nice
javon-u getting them?
y/n- don't know
javon-oh ok
i place the shoe down and as i was abt to walk away he grabbed my wrist and tube red my to face him
javon-what's wrong w u
y/n- what do you mean
javon-ever since the airport u have been acting weird
y/n-how would u know if i am acting weird or not u haven't been home in 2 years u don't know me
javon-i think i do know you since i knew u since we were five and i don't think u have changed in 2 years
y/n-well i have javon and so what it doesn't matter to u i never rlly talked to u cause u hated me
javon-what who said i hated you
y/n-u always gave me this vibe that u hate me u never talked to me always gave me looks don't say hi to me when i come over to see jaden or noting
javon-that's not true
y/n-it is u just say that it is true
i took his hand off my wrist he stood still confused i walked to kylee and jayla jaden was with them
jaden-oh hey there u are where were u
y/n-i was looking at the shoes
jayla-oh seen any u like
jayla -did u get them
jayla -why
y/n-i have loads so 
kylee -who wants to get starbucks
jaden and jayla -same
jayla -where is javon
y/n-idk i haven't seen him
jayla -let me go find him
while jayla went to find javon i kinda just zoned out while kylee and jaden where talking
jaden-y/nnnn hello earth to y/nn
i quickly snapped out of my thoughts
jaden -what u getting at starbucks
y/n-probably *ur order *
next minute jayla came back w javon
he just looked at me i couldt stand being w him any longer after our conversation at the shoes
we all walked out of the store and went to the car i was in the middle again YAY!! i didn't rlly say anything i just laid my head on jadens shoulder and shut my eyes we go to starbucks and we all orderd we got our drinks and parked and talked
jayla-should we go live
javon-ye sure
we went live for a few minutes there was questions for all of us abt me and jaden and ship comments abt me and javon even we ignored them we ended the live and went back to the walton's
y/n-hey guys i am gonna go home i am rlly tired thank you for today
jaden-u sure u don't wanna stay
y/n-no it's okay i will talk to u later
jaden -okay bye y/n/n
y/n-bye jay
they went inside while javon was getting the bags out of the car i went to get mine i got them and went but then i heard him call my name
javon -Y/n
i stood in the same place frozen
i tired around
i just looked at him i wanted to say something but i couldn't i just walked home i walk in to see my mom dad and brother in the couch watching a movie
y/n-hey guys
y/m-hi sweetheart where have u been
y/n-oh i was out with jayla kyle jaden and javon we went shopping
y/m-did u get anything nice
y/n-ye i got a few cargos and t-shirts anyway i am gonna go to bed i am really tried
y/m-okay goodnight
y/n-goodnight guys
y/d ~y/d-goodnight y/n
i walk upstairs and make my way to my bedroom i place the bags on the floor i go to my bathroom and get ready for bed and brush my teeth and hair and take off my makeup i go lay down on my bed and text jaden

     jay 🙄
y:n-heyyy jay i am going to go to bed night night
jay-ok u okay u seems a bit off when u came back from the shoes
y/n-ye i just didn't feel good
jay-oh hope ur okay night night
y/n-i am dw night

i put my phone on charge and fell asleep

A/N~that was a long a long chapter i have so many ideas for this story it will be really long but what's gonna happen with javon and y/n??????? there will be a lot more of the group and just jaden and y/n
1328 words 🧿

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