"Can we please talk jaden"

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yns pov 🫶🏻
i woke up tried but i wanted to have fun today despite what happened last night and i wanted to talk to jaden today we are going to be swimming in the lake the whole day i got up and got dressed

i went downstairs "morning yn" javon said smiling at me"morning""morning gorgeous " i heard jayla say"oh morning perfect""morning yn" my mom said to me "morning has anyone see jaden""nope i don't he is up yet""oh ok" i sat down beside jayla and my...

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i went downstairs
"morning yn" javon said smiling at me
"morning gorgeous " i heard jayla say
"oh morning perfect"
"morning yn" my mom said to me
"morning has anyone see jaden"
"nope i don't he is up yet"
"oh ok" i sat down beside jayla and my mom handed me pancakes
"thank you"
"so what are we doing today "javon asked
"we are going swimming "i said
"kk last one out there is a loser "
we all sprites out and jumped i to the lake
"OMG ITS FREZZING"i say shouting
javon started laughing at me
i looked up and he hadn't jumped in yet
"can you help me up"i say reaching my hand out for him to grab
"ye sure" he put out his hand and i pulled him in
i couldn't stop laughing
"omg ur gonna pay for this"
"mmm sure"
he started chasing me around the garden
he finally caught me and started tickling me
"ahhh stop javonnn"
he finally stopped
our parents came out and sat on the sun chairs
Dj started the BBQ
the door opened
jaden walked out he looked tried i was in the lake with my hand on the wet wood i looked up at him he looked down and walked away
i just got out and wrapped a towel around me and sat down beside my mom

*after some time*

"Food is ready " dj said
we got up and got our food we sat down and started eating

it was getting late everyone had went inside except me and jaden we were sitting around the fire pit it was silence an awkward one i hated it so much i had to say something
"can we please talk jaden"
"about what yn how u lied to me and went off with my brother"
"i am sorry i lied to you i didn't want you to freak out like you are now"
"well i am"
"i can see that jaden noting happened between us we went to the beach had some food went swimming i fell asleep in the car that was it "
"if i go ask him what happened he will tel me that "
"okay let me ask him"
"okay "
he went off and got javon
"so javon yn told me that you went to the beach had food went swimming came home and she fell asleep in the car"
"ye that's true "
"see jaden can u stop ignoring me "
"eh maybe"
"right i am going inside once u finished ur little fit "
i got up and walked in i was kinda happy he acc talked to me i brushed my teeth and go ready for bed i was scrolling on TikTok when jaden texted me

jaden 😮
jaden-meet me outside
jaden-just come

i got up and put on my slippers and a hoodie i walks downstairs quickly but quitely i opened the door and see jaden by the fir pit
"jaden what do you want"
"i just wanna say i am sorry for overreacting about you and javon and the beach"
"it's okay sorry for lying to you abt shopping"
"it's okay bestfriends again"
"yessss"i jumped and hugged him
"okay we better go to bed it's late and cold "
"yess it is "
we both went to our rooms and fells asleep

a/n-such a short chapter sorry ❤️

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