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I didn't go to school today i was just too upset and angry at my self for everything I was laying in bed on my phone when my mom called down for dinner "YNN DINNERRR" she shouted from downstairs "Cominggg" i got up and went downstairs  i sat down at the table while my mom plated up dinner " you okay yn" my brother asked "kinda just a little upset and angry"i said while taking a sip of my water "everything will be fine yn" he said "thats what everyone said now look" i say looking down at my knife and fork "Trust me yn EVERY thing will be ok" he said i sighed.

my mom placed my dinner on the table and started to eat we finished i went upstairs and sat on my bed on my phone i heard a knock on my door " come in" i said the door opened i looked over and seen javon " hi" i said " hello princess" he said smiling i smiled back he hasn't called me that for a while he came over to my bed he sat at the end "how have you been "he asked "been better" i say "he should't of done that to you yn your the sweetest person i know" he said in his comforting voice "thank you" " has he called you or anything" he asked curiosly " nope i dont think he knows well he problay does his friends must of told him by now or even the whole school" i say " what about Avery has she " "oh no she hasn't ethier i just feel so stupid about it all you know like everyone said everything was going to be fine but look its not because i am here in my bed since yesterday i havent even changed i just dont know what top do he made me so happy like i dont know what i did to make him do this i helped him around school here he was so sweet and i was just so stupid " i say breaking into tears "YN you are not stupid he is for loosing you he really fumbled you and so pretty and smart he needs glasses if he thinks Avery is better than you" javon said coming closer to my and wraping arm around me " I just want to know what i did for him to do this"i say cuddling into javons chest "i really did like him " i added " i know you did yn i know i could  see it but he did like you yn " he said  i layed in his arms i felt safe there  for a little longer "wanna do something fun?" he asked i didn't want to be stuck at home all day "yea" i replied looking up at him "okay go get ready" he said i jumped up and went to my wardrobe i closed the door. 

i picked out some tracksuit and a t-shirt and put on my airforces

i walked out of my wardrobe and into my bathroom i brushed my hair and put on some perfume i walked out of thr bathroom "ready" i say " perfect lets go" he said getting off my bed we walked downstairs i went into the kitchen "bye mom i am going of...

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i walked out of my wardrobe and into my bathroom i brushed my hair and put on some perfume i walked out of thr bathroom "ready" i say " perfect lets go" he said getting off my bed we walked downstairs i went into the kitchen "bye mom i am going off with javon" i say going to the couch " okay sweetie have fun" she says i hug her and we go to his car i sat in and he got in he started the car and drove out of my driveway.

"Where are we going?" i ask "The park" he say looking at me wow i haven't been there in a while we use to go all the time even after school my mom or jess would brings us there before we had to go home and do our homework "yes" i say he giggled and continuted to drive.

we got to the park it was kinda dark but the warm yellow toned street light made the place visable we go over to the slide and we go down it we played for a while until we sat on the swings "so how are you and gia" i ask "we broke up " he says "oh wow i didnt know sorry"i say i felt bad for asking it but i didnt know they broke up " nah its fine i had to i didnt love her and i didnt want to be with somone who i didnt love you know"he confessed " yea when did you guys break up?"i ask " the day after we went bowling" he said " oh " i didn know what to say "yea i went away for a day  just to clear my head after it " he said " you done right "i say " yea Gia was really sweet i didnt want to hurt her " he said " you done right javon if only every boy was like you" i say i look at him he looks at him " we should go its getting cold" he says " uh yea " we get up and walk to his car we get in and he starts driving.

(Song recondimation for  this part Fire for you by Cannons) (ur welcome )

he was driving the yellow toned street lights making his brown eyes shimmer i swear i was in heaven he was so gorgeous all my feelings for him where coming back oh no this cant be happeing i just got cheated on and now i like my best friends brother AGAIN i had to keep these feelings a secret shit he is looking at me i just started the shit out of him i looked at the road we were on our road he pulled into my driveway i got out of his car i go to his window " thank you for getting me out of the house" i say smiling at him "thank you for agreeing to come with me" he miles back at me "will i see you in jaylas car in the morning" he added i thought about it for a bit " yea you will" i said giggling a bit " okay then see you tomorrow princess " he said smiling " goodnight javon "i said smiling at him walking backwards " goodnight Princess" he said i turned around and walked to the door i turnred my head smiling to myself  as he drove out of my drive way i waved and got to the door i opened it and walked in i lifted my head to see my brother " what you smiling about "he asked " what noting"i say quickly taking the smile off my face "OMG" he shouts " what?" i ask " you like javon again" 2 what no" i say camly shit how does bro now like " you do" he sya s" okay maybe dont say shit tho" i say " i wont as long as youyr happy and so is javon " " yea" " does jaden know" he asks " nope i only found out my self like 10 minutes ago" " oh okay anyway goodnight sis" he says and walking to the kitchen " night bro" i walk upstairs i go into my wardrobe and get out a clean pair of pjs pink silk ones i bring them to the bathroom i say them on the towel rack  i get into the shower i put shampoo in my hair wash it out i do everything else i get out and dry my hair i do some skincare and get into my pjs i brush my teeth ad get into bed i put my phone on charge and fall asleep.

An-AWHHHH javon being a cutie hopefully Avery is in so Yn can finally tell her that she knows and Marcus too like why tf would they do something like that.

Dont forget to vote and comment annnnddd tell me who you want the next story to be about i will  put up another an just to tell you what the storys will be about and who is endgame anyway hopefully you liked this chapter dont be afraid to comment i get excited when people comment xx!

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