The Beach 🌺🌴

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yn pov
i woke up excited but nervous for later today it wasn't for another 10 hours so i had time to calm my nerves i got up and went to my bathroom took a shower and brushed my teeth and hair i went downstairs to get some cereal i walk in and see jayla jaden and javon daelo and hess sitting at the island talking to my mom "Omg heyyy" i said "morning gorgeous"jess said hugging me
"ah look who decide to come down and see us"jaden said to me "what i was tried after yesterday" "iwl same"javon said looking at me
i went to the cabinet and grabbed a bowl and cereal and then got the milk from the fridge i made the cereal and sat down starting to eat until hess. started to speak
"so we were talking about going on a trip"
"Omg where" i said
"idk we where waiting for u to get up"jess said
"oh sorry i am up now so where we thinking"
"so maybe bora bora hawwii or we could go to the lake since my aunt has a house there and we could stay there "
"can we pleaseee go to the lakeee i never been and it seems fun"i said hoping everyone will agree
"i am down" jaden said
"ye me too"jayla said smiling at me
"what about you javon"my mom said
"ye sure"
"YESSSSS " jayla jaden and i all screamed jumping up and down
"what abt yb" i said to mom
"he will agree with anything "she said smiling at me
"okay so the lake it is i will call her ask her if we can stay" jess said leaving
she came back after a bit
"YAYYYY omg i need to start packing "i said panicking
"chill yn we won't be going for another 2 days so u have loads of time" jayla said
"okay okay i am chill"
they all laughed
jayla daelo jaden javon and i all went to the couch and watched a movie

i was on my phone texting mia my other bestfriend she was in spain atm so i didn't get to talk to her as much ever since school ended but i was keeping her up to date with everything
i was texting her then javons name came up he was typing

javon wanna walton
javon-we still up for later
javon-kk just making sure

i turned off my phone and watched the rest of the movie "omg jayla i want ur opinion on an outfit follow me" i said to her as i got her wrist and pulled her to my room "okay what do you think of this outfit "

"YN that is perfect but what for?"she said looking at me confused "swear u won't tell jaden ""pinky promise""right so yk they way i always thought javon hated me ""ye""so when him and jaden where over yesterday he invited me to go to the beach wit...

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"YN that is perfect but what for?"she said looking at me confused
"swear u won't tell jaden "
"pinky promise"
"right so yk they way i always thought javon hated me "
"so when him and jaden where over yesterday he invited me to go to the beach with him tonight at 7pm and i needed ur opinion on what to wear "
"notinggg it's just i never thought u and javon would be a thing"
"okay okay"
"but is that outfit okay?"
"yessss it's perfect"
"thank youuu jayla don't say anyhting pleaseee"
"i won't don't worry"
we walked downstairs to see the boys had left
"oh i better be going"
"oh okay thank you again jayla"
"no problem yn"
i ran upstairs and layed on my bed watching tiktok i felt a bit tried so i took a nap i sat a alram to wake me up at 5 pm so i would have enough time to get ready

i woke up to my annoying alarm i jumped out of bed i went to the bathroom and brushed my hair and put on some lip balm i went to my wardrobe and got changed into the outfit i showed jayla i went downstairs and made some toast i warst really hungry i say at the island eating while scrolling on tiktok then i see javon texted me

javon-hey i am here u ready?
yn-mhm i will be out in 2 minutes

i put my plate in the dishwasher and said bye to my mom and dad i ran outside and hoped in javons car
"hey"he said while driving out of my driveway
"heyy "
"how are u"
"good u"
"good so i was thinking we go to a cafe then go to the beach "
"ye that sounds perfect"
we in silence all the way to the cafe it was so awkward but we finally arrived thank godddd i couldn't stand that tension anymore
"what do you want" he said
"just a smoothie please "
"hi can i have two smoothies" he said to the worker
"sure that will be 5 dollars please"
i went to tap my card but he got there before me
"yn wth "
"what i am trying to pay it's not that big of a deal" i said looking at him w a dirty look
we got our stuff and walked out to the car
"what was that "
"WHAT i was just trying to pay it's rlly not that big of a deal like i said"
"but it is i asked you to if u wanted to go out so there for it's my job to pay"
"not really "i said sipping on my smoothie
"mmm this is nice u should try urs instead of complaining " i said looking at him
he didn't answer and started the engine and drove to the beach
we got there and placed a towel down i sat down on my phone i could feel a pair of eyes on me
i look in his direction
"soooo "
"why did u bring me here "
"to prove i don't hate you "
"but you do"
"but i don't "
"okay okay "
i stood up and ran towards the sea
"U COMING " i shouted
he stood up and started running towards me
we swam out a bit the sun was setting it was perfect
"omg it's perfect here "
"ikr i could stay here forever"
"same i really want to live by the ocean or have a holiday home here like the movie/series the summer i turned pretty "
"who's team are u "
"defo team jere " (or who ever teams u are but team jere all the way argue with the wall xoxo)
"why not conrad"
"cause conrad never really showed her much attention while jere waited for her but conrad had a thing w some other girl so i could talk abt this for ages but it's getting cold "
"yes i agreee"
we swam back and wrapped our towels around us while we watched the sun go down
"let's go home it's getting dark"i said to break the peaceful silence
"kk " he said while gathering up the towel
we go to the car and put everything in
i hoped in and put my seatbelt on while he started the car it was a long drive back to our house and i got tried and fell asleep
i woke up to someone shaking me
"yess what do you want" i said in a sleepy voice
"wake up ur home"
"oh okay"
i got my stuff and looked at javon
"thank you javon this made me hate u a little less"
"what u hated me "
"goodnight javon" i said walking away from his car
i got inside and went straight to my bathroom to change i to my pjs and brush my teeth and hair
i looked at my phone to see a million texts from jaden i ignored them and went straight to bed i was too tried to answer him
i plugged in my phone and fell straight asleep

a/n-i worte this at like 1 in the morning so i could post it when i wake up and focus on my other story tomarrow anyway enjoy 🩷

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