My Princess 🎀🥊

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An-(sorry i haven't posted in awhile i have been busy ❤️)
1 month later!
8 am Thursday morning


i was sitting at the island finishing up my breakfast i was wearing a beige crop top and some white parachute pants with my airforces.

javon and i have gotten closer that ever he got his own car so he collects me in the mornings  jaden didn't mind it as we would still have our late night ice cream trips and i would sometimes go with him to school

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javon and i have gotten closer that ever he got his own car so he collects me in the mornings jaden didn't mind it as we would still have our late night ice cream trips and i would sometimes go with him to school.

i have finished up my breakfast as the doorbell rang "oh that must be javon bye mom and dad"i say "bye"they say and i run to the door and pick up my bag and open the door "goodmorning princess" he says with a smirk on his face "Good morning prince" i say he open the car door and i sit in he gets in and he drives out of the driveway.

we get to school we walk in laughing and talking "okay i am gonna go to my locker i'll talk to you in art"i say giggling "ok bye yn" he says i walk towards my locker and get my books out as i turn around Avery is standing right infornt me "what do you want ho3"i say in a blunt voice "you to forgive me"she says begging "go away" i say and walk off it has happened before when she would o that maybe 3 days every week she once came to my house.

i walk to english and sit down and take out my books every class went on as normal it was finally lunch.

i say down at the ya me i usually sit at with jayla and kylee i was waiting for them i started eating my lunch when they came up behind me "omg you guys scared me" i say "oh sorry girl"kylee says we talked for a bit more when max came up to us "heyy girls uh i am throwing a party tonight you wanna come" he asks with a smile on his face max was so sweet all the time "yea sure" i say smiling at him he smiles back "ye"kylee and jayla said "perfect i'll text you the adress" he smiles "ok bye max" i say "bye yn" he says back we continue on talking about what we were talking about before max came javon and jaden then came "hey" they say "oh hi"we say javon sat beside me "oh guys max is having a a party tonight you going"i ask "are you?"javons asks "yea" i say "then i am too" i smiled "ye ill go to"jadens says the bell rang "perfect see u there then" i say getting up from the table "ill see after school"i add" yea see ya then"javon says i walk to my next class it was maths ew i hate maths i get to the class and go to my desk simon came up to me as i was taking out my book he handed me a note i opened it

dear yn

please forgive me i want you back so badly i ddint mean to do anything to you i promise


i got up from my seat and throw it in the bin i kinda forgot that Marcus was in my maths and he watched me do that but oh well

maths had ended i went on to my next two classes it was a double chemistry i went in and sat down and took out my books i put my head on the table and fell asleep i woke up from the bell i put away my books and went straight out to javons car he was alrwady there i got in anfd he drove me home we reached my house "do you want me to collect you for the party" he asks "maxs house is just down the road ill walk but thanks"i say "yn i dont mind bringing you in my car or even walking down with you"he says with a serious face on him "ok you could walk me down there"i say with a smile on my face "perefct ill get you around 6"he says "yea sure ill be ready by then " i say "ok bye yn" "bye javon" i close the car door and walk into my house i go upstairis and drop my school bag on the floor i plug my phone in and went to my bathroom i got a shower i sat down infornt of my vanity and done my skincare i dried my hair and curled it i done my makeup it was plain but not at the same time i finshed off my lashes and went to my wardrobe i picked out a dress i haven't wore  before

maths had ended i went on to my next two classes it was a double chemistry i went in and sat down and took out my books i put my head on the table and fell asleep i woke up from the bell i put away my books and went straight out to javons car he w...

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i put on some perfume and put on my shoes i flipped my hair forward and shook out my curls lightly i lifted my hair and curled it to go around my neck i fixed up some pieces and got my phone as i was walking down the stairs i seen javon at the door talking to my brother "oh hey javon " i say "hey"he answered "you ready to go"he added "uh ye let's go" i say "kk bye yb" he says "bye bro"my brother responded i walk out and shut the door we got into his car and he drove us down to maxs house we got out and walked up to the door max quickly opened the door "hey guys" he says with a smile on his face while holding a red cup filled with drink "hey max"I say "come in" he says opeing the door wider "thank you" javons says we walk in "everyone is in the living room" max says "okay " I say while walking to the living room everyone is there I walk up to Jayla "heyyy" I say "YN U LOOK GORGEOUSSSSS" she says "lookk at u" I say we hug and max turns the music up louder we all start dancing and singing.

After a bit the room seems to be better smaller and smaller i look around and see lods of people I make my way out of the crowd and walk to the kitchen to see jaden and Javon Marcus max and some other boys "hey yn everything okay" javon asks me coming closer "yea I js need a drink" I say sitting on the stools by the island "everything ok yn" jaden asks while javon gets me a drink of water "yea js the room was a bit crowded" I say "there you go" javon says handing me the cup of water "thank you" I say I take a sit and put my head on the table "u sure everything is okay yn"javon asks "yea I promise" I say with my head on the table still "yn u wanna go outside for a bit"javon asks "yea sure" I say
"There is a fire pit and couch's out there to the left" max says "thanks man" javon says we walk out there i sit down javon sits beside me it's quite for a bit "okay I feel fine now " I says "you sure yn" "yea can we sit out and here for a little bit longer tho" I say holding he would say yes "yea sure it's a bit noisy in there" I laugh "what is going on between us" he asks "what" I ask confused "like what is it between us cause I feel like we have something" he says "I do too" I say turning my body to look at him properly "well yn" he says "yes javon" "will you be my gf" he asks my face lit up "YESSS IMGG "I go in and him him "ur MY PRINCESS"
"Always" we get up and go inside we act like nothing happened i went to jayla and Kylee and told them and he went to his friends they were so happy and excited.


I Hope you enjoyed that story ❤️

1370 words

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