"You will always be a princess"

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Yn Pov
i woke up with a headache i can't believe what happened last night it was so fun but some of it was just a blur i can't remember half of the night but i clearly remember me and javon i slowly got up off my bed and went downstairs to some talking i went into the kitchen and seen my mom and Jess "Morning mom what you doing here"i ask rubbing my eyes "we had to come back early" she said "oh okay hii jess" "hi sweetheart you looked so pretty last night i seen your insta post you have a goodnight?"jess asked "ye it was so much fun" i say my mom and Jess were talking while i made a açai bowl i got some fruit oats and chia seeds i put them into a bowl and sat down beside my mom and jess on the other side they were talking while i ate "so yn" jess said i popped up my head "ye"i say polity "me and your mom where talking before you came down about you being a deb"she says "oh what's that" i say "it's a young women making her first appearance in fashionable society"she says "yn u don't have to do it if you don't want to" my mom speaks "nooo it sounds fun i would love to"
"really?"jess asks "yess"i say going over to hug her "okay we need to shop for your dress"she says "today?"i ask "ye we can i have noting on"my mom says "me either" jess says "Okayyy yes let me go get ready" i run upstairs and brush my teeth and hair i sit down in-front of my vanity jayla face-timed me i answered and started doing my makeup

on FaceTime**
jayla -heyyyy girl
jayla-what you getting ready for
me-shopping with my mom and your mom
jayla-for what
me-i agreed to be a debutant we're you ever one?
jayla-yes omg it's so fun but you need a escort do you have one
jayla-ooo girl find someone
me-who was yours
me-oh i don't know who will be mind i might ask jaden
jayla-omg ye he might or javon
me-i will ask him later anyway i got to go
jayla-okay bye
me-bye girl

FaceTime ended **

i fishes my make-up and got to my closet and get out a outfit

i put on some Victoria secret perfume and go downstairs to the kitchen "okayy i am ready"i say "okay perfect let's go"my mom says "okay" we walk out to the car and sit in the back "now yn u sure you want to do this" jess asks "ye it sounds fun and...

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i put on some Victoria secret perfume and go downstairs to the kitchen "okayy i am ready"i say "okay perfect let's go"my mom says "okay" we walk out to the car and sit in the back "now yn u sure you want to do this" jess asks "ye it sounds fun and jayla said it is so i want to"i say "okayy" she says

Time skip **

We got to the store we walk in and look around for dresses that i might like i got three that i might like

We got to the store we walk in and look around for dresses that i might like i got three that i might like

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