lazy day 🤍

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y/n pov
i woke up feeling better abt what happend with me and javon i went to my bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth i didn't do any makeup as i didn't have anything planned i got dress

y/n povi woke up feeling better abt what happend with me and javon i went to my bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth i didn't do any makeup as i didn't have anything planned i got dress

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i was walking downstairs when jaden texted me

jay-u home today
y/n-ye why?
jay-kk see ya in a bit

he did t answer i went into the kitchen nobody was here only a note on the table
dear y/n
me and your dad and gone off for the day and ur brother is at his friends house so u have the whole house to urself don't do anything bad
love -mom 🫶🏻

thank god i just wanted to be alone all day as i finishing up my cereal i heard a knock on the door
i opend it to see jaden
y/n-uh hello
jaden-hey loser
y/n-come in
jaden-thank you
y/n-okay why are u here
jaden-cause it's lazy day so come on
he took my hand and dragged me to the living room we sat down
jaden-so what movie today
y/n-mm idk u pick i am gonna get snacks
i walk to the kitchen with the thought of why is jaden here anyway i grabbed some snacks and walked back to the living room he had picked out a movie
y/n-okay what we watching
jaden-the titanic
y/n-YESSS i haven't seen it in so long
jaden-shush it starting

*1 hour later*
we where half way through the movie i heard a knock on the door
y/n-i am gonna get that
i get up and walk to the door i open it to see..........javon walton
y/n-can i help you?
javon-ye is jaden here
y/n-ye he is in the living room  come in
we walked to the living room
y/n-jaden javons here
jaden-ahh hey bro what's up
javon-why did u come here and not tell anyone
jaden-where else would i go other than here
javon-right just tell us next time mom was worried
i was just siting on my phone
until it was silence
y/n-can we do thi w watching that movie
jaden-ye sure
i look at javon stading there looking at us
y/n-u gonna sit and watch or stand and stare at us
he stood there shocked
he sat down and we continued to watch the rest of the movie
i look over at jaden and see is asleep on my shoulder and javon is wide awake
i pass him the remote
y/n-here u can put on something
javon-thanks but can we talk?
y/n-mhm sure abt what
i tried acting clueless
javon-abt what happend at the nike store
javon-y/n i never hated you i just hated the way u and jaden where so close and i never had that cause of boxing and acting
y/n-why are you lying
javon-i am not lying y/n i never hated you
y/n-mhm sure
javon-i never did y/n 
y/n-then why did u never talk to me when i said hi to you or even dare to look at me at any event it's like u never wanted me to be friends with jaden at all i was like this stranger to you everyone else was so nice nice to me but you
javon-oh i was i rlly that bad to you
javon-okay let me make it up to you
y/n-how ?
javon-tomorrow 7pm the beach
y/n-okay fine ur only chance Walton
i slight shook jaden to wake him up
y/n-jadennnn  wakeyyy wakeyyy 
javon-nah this how u wake him up
he grabbed a pillow and started shutting jaden
jaden woke up instantly
Jaden-JAVON Stopppp
Javon -morninggg
i just stated giggling
jaden-what are you laughing at huh
he came to me and stated tickling me while javon stood there laughing
he eventually stopped while i ran outside to catch a breathe the boy followed me
jaden -u okay
we were right beside the pool and i pushed him in
jaden-OMG Y/nnnnnn
javon was behind me laughing then javon pushed me in
y/n-what the helll
then javon jumped in
javon-i thought u would be freezing
y/n -me too
we got and i got towels for us
jaden -right we are gonna go home bye y/n/n
y/n- bye jay
javon-we still up for tomorrow
y/n-mhm bye javon

walking upstairs i could believe wha just happened we acc talked and it wasn't awkward or weird but idk how tomorrow is gonna go  i go in the shower and changed into my pjs

walking upstairs i could believe wha just happened we acc talked and it wasn't awkward or weird but idk how tomorrow is gonna go  i go in the shower and changed into my pjs

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i brush my teeth and my hair  and go into bed and fell asleep

A/n-javon and y/n getting along wow umh interesting let's see where this goes hope u like it so far 🤍
895 words 🌴

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