Tea Time ☕️

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Yn Pov

9:47 am

i woke up excited for today i cant wait to meet the other girls and get to know them more i was always known as a friendly person i would never say anything to anyone to hurt them.

i got out of bed and brushed me teeth and got a shower i dried my hair and done my skincare i curled my hair and done my makeup i done it very simple i put my hair in half up half down and i got my mom to put a white bow on the back.

i went i to my wardrobe to find a dress to suit this day i found the perfect one it was white with light pink flower on it it had puffy shoulders and fitted my waist perfectly it was flown at the bottom i put on some plain white heels not the ones for the ball.

i went downstairs "morningn dad"i said sitting at the island "morning sweetie your look beautiful today" he says drinking his coffee "thank you"i say he handed me a plate of fruit and toast "thank you" i say as my mom entered the kitchen "morning"...

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i went downstairs "morningn dad"i said sitting at the island "morning sweetie your look beautiful today" he says drinking his coffee "thank you"i say he handed me a plate of fruit and toast "thank you" i say as my mom entered the kitchen "morning" she says all bubbly "morning " dad says and he pours her morning coffee.

my dad and mom where best-friends before they got married and had my brother and me they were truly in love with each other even tho my dad works a lot and we don't see him as much we always have the best time when we do.anyway enough with that

i heard the bell ring "i will get that" i walk to the door and open it and see jaden "morning jaden" i say "morning you look great"he says "thank you come in i was just finishing breakfast" i say opeing the door wider to let him in he was wearing beige cargos and a white t-shirt he came in and i shut the door and we walk to the kitchen
"hey jaden how are you"my dad says "i am good what about you"jaden says i sit up at the island and finish my breakfast while reading the rest of my book i wasn't minding what was going on u til jaden said my name "hey yn you ready to go"he asks "oh ye sure"i say getting up and putting my plate in the sink "okay done we can go now" i say "kk bye Mr Yln bye Mrs Yln" he says "Bye jaden" my mom and dad say "bye mom and dad" "bye sweetheart" they say we walk out to his car i hop in and he gets in the other side "god i think my parents like you more than me " i say "ahahah me and your dad had a lovely conversation about you and your books"he says "what really i wasn't paying attention"i say "bahah ik we didn't he was just asking me about baseball"he says keeping a eye on the road we turn on some music and sing our hearts out before we have to be all serious i was on my phone for a bit of the ride texting javon
he never texts me so it was weird


javon 🥊
javon-are you gone out with jaden
me-ye i have my tea thing
javon-what tea thing
me-it's for the thing i can't tell you yet
javon-oh okay when will you be back?
me-idk maybe 1 or 2
javon-ughh that's so long away
me-ik anyway i nearly here bye javon
javon-why does jaden get to know
me-cause i asked him to do something for me bye jvaon
javon-bye princess have a good time

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