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SUNDAY,9:00 am

Yns Pov

i woke up with a pounding headache i got up out of bed and stubbles to the bathroom i got a shower i got out dried my hair and brushed my teeth i changed into some gym clothes

i put my hair in a claw clip i went downstairs and made some oatmeal while i was eating Marcus came in "Morning" i said "morning"he said in a sleepy voice "you want something to eat"i ask "No i am okay"he said sitting down beside me "i am so tried...

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i put my hair in a claw clip i went downstairs and made some oatmeal while i was eating Marcus came in "Morning" i said "morning"he said in a sleepy voice "you want something to eat"i ask "No i am okay"he said sitting down beside me "i am so tried" he said "i just have a headache" i say as i feel his head on my shoulder "you go back upstairs and sleep a bit more i have to clean up this place"i say "you sure" "yea i don't want to the house to be messy for when my parents come home" i say finishing my oatmeal "okay call me if you need help" he said "i will also in the bathroom there is spare toothbrushes" "thank you" he says as he leaves the kitchen to upstairs i put my bowl in the dishwasher i grab a black bag and start to clean up

after a bit the doorbell rang i dropped the bag and went i got to the door and opened it it was jayla jaden and javon... "hey guys" i said "heyyy we came to help you clean up"jaden said "oh thank you i have some of it done"i said "oh come " i added they came and we went to the kitchen "so we're wondering if you and Marcus wanna go bowling with us" jayla asked "i would love too Marcus is in bed i will go ask him" i went upstairs and asked him he said he didn't mind i came back downstairs "i guess we are going bowling" i said "perfect" jaden said javon hadn't said a single word since he came "Uh Marcus is coming down in a minute then we can go" i said "okay i guess we can just clean u til he comes" jayla said.

we cleaned up the kitchen and living room we heard footsteps "hey guys" Marcus said coming into the kitchen "Morning sleepy " i said going over to him "morning" "we can finally go now" jayla said "yay"i said i grabbed my stuff and we all went me and Marcus in his car and and jaden jayla javon in their car.

we arrived at the arcade we got out and stood at the door "bowling then games" jaden said "YESS" i said we all went in and went to the counter "heya what can i do for you today" the man at the counter asked "A lane for five people please" i said "perfect one is open over there" he said pointing straight ahead "thank you" i said and we all walked over to the lane we put in our names and started bowling everyone was laughing i looked over at javon why isn't he joining him i thought to myself i quickly got taken out of my thoughts by jayla "hey yn it's your turn" "oh okay" i grabbed the bowling ball and rolled it down the alley i got all the pins down i turned around and ran to Marcus.


she rolled the ball down the alley and got all the pins down she turned around and jumped into her charming boyfriends arms i was sitting on the seats texting gia she was telling me how much she missed me i missed her too i didn't really wanna see yn jump into prince charming a arms anymore.


We finished bowling and played some arcade games we were now sitting in me and jadens favourite ice cream place it has been a long day we were sitting around the table talking and laugh i was in the middle of marcus and jaden and javon and jayla was opposite us javon was sitting across from me right infront of me staring into my soul i had my head on Marcus shoulder.

"let's go home i think yn is tried" jayla said giggling "i am " i said we all got up and went out to the cars "yn text me later tonight when you can" jaden said "yea " i said back "okay night guys"jayla said "night".

Marcus drove me back home "i am gonna go home now il talk you tonight" Marcus said "yea talk tonight" i said "okay night yn" "night Marcus"i said he kissed my cheek and i got out and went inside i went up to my room i changed i to my pjs i was really tried after today i just texted jaden and Marcus that i will talk to them tomorrow and i was really tried they said ok and night i put my phone on charge and went to sleep.

AN-here is the chapter that took me days for some reason sorry about that i just lost motivation and ideas but i got this idea from HannaKristiina so thank you ❤️

hope you liked it and next chapter will be out soon and sorry it it takes a few days i am busy this weekend !!

881 Words 🎳

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