Airport trip ✈️

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Y/n pov
i woke up to the sound of my annoying alram
i got up and stumbled to my bathroom i got into the shower and tried thinking of the positives of seeing javon there was only 1 seeing jaden happy he really missed javon it was sad to see him so upset when he left the first time but he got over it
i got out of the shower and dryer my hair and done my skin care i done light make-up just mascara and lip balm i was trying to keep my skin from breaking out so i put less makeup on i walked into my wardrobe and picked out a comfy outfit

ur outfit ^ i walked downstairs to the kitchen y/n-morningggy/b-morning y/n ( y/b = your brother )y/m-morning sweetie here i made smoothies y/n-mm thanks btw i am to the airport w jaden to get javon y/m-okay tell javon i said hii also how was last...

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ur outfit ^
i walked downstairs to the kitchen
y/b-morning y/n ( y/b = your brother )
y/m-morning sweetie here i made smoothies
y/n-mm thanks btw i am to the airport w jaden to get javon
y/m-okay tell javon i said hii also how was last night
y/n-i will it was good
y/b-ahhh yes javon is coming home missed him
my dad entreated the kitchen
y/d-goodmorning y/n
y/n-morning dad
y/d-did u go out last night ?
y/n-ye only w jaden we went to get ice cream he couldt sleep
y/b-u sure jaden and u aren't more than friends
y/n-yess WE ARE BESTIESSSSS that's all we are don't even like him like that
y/n-what abt u and kylee huh
kylee was jaylas bestfriend
y/b-what no we are just friends
y/n-okay okay whatever u say thanks mom for the smoothie
y/m-no problem hunny
i go upstairs to my room and lay on my bed scrolling on tiktok until jaden texted me it was time to go i run downstairs i say bye to my mom and dad and meet the walton's in the drive way i hope in the back w jaden
jess-hello sweetie u look gorgeous today
y/n-hi jess thank you but ur gorgeous everyday
dj-hi y/n
y/n-heyy dj
jaden -where's my hello
y/n-ah hello jaden
as i say doing our handshake
jess and dj where like my second parents i could tell them anything
on the way to the airport it was kinda funny jaden and i we're looking through our memories and looking back at the funny times we had u til we reached the airport
dj-we are here let go in and find wanna
we got out and walked to arrivals we waited for a bit until there i seen the tall brown haired boy i haven't seen in two years he has changed something abt him is diffrent on e he seen us he smiled he came up to us and hugged jess and dj then jaden and the he came to me
javon -hey y/n
y/n-hi javon how was ur flight
i just nodded as it was awkard we walked to the car listing to how it was filiming and everything and all the way home once we got to their house they invited me but i said i was tired i was really i just didn't want to b in the same room as javon after how altar it was sitting beside him in the car i was walking home i heard soemoen running behind i turned around to see jaden
jaden-i know ur not tried what's wrong
y/n-i am i promise plus javon just got home and ik u want to spend time with
jaden-whatever u say but please come over tomarrow
y/n-i will dont worry
jaden-right text ya later y/n/n ( ur nickname )
y/n-bye jay
i walked home i couldt belive i just lied to jaden but i put those thoughts aside and went upstairs to my room and got ready for bed

ur outfit ^ i walked downstairs to the kitchen y/n-morningggy/b-morning y/n ( y/b = your brother )y/m-morning sweetie here i made smoothies y/n-mm thanks btw i am to the airport w jaden to get javon y/m-okay tell javon i said hii also how was last...

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i hoped into bed and put on a movie
i was snapping some of my friends then someone started typing it was ............. JAVON what does he want
Javon "wanna" walton 🥊
javon-hey y/n
y/n-heyyy javon
javon-did u think it was awkard between us at the airport today
y/n-no why did u
javon-oh no i was just wondering did u think it was awkward
y/n-oh no it's wasn't
javon-oh okay good

i left him on delivered it was strange to get a text from him i never really texted him or snapped him and whenever i did get a snap from him it would be jaden on his phone
after a while i fell asleep
i never got to text jaden but it didn't matter cause his brother was over and i would be going over tomorrow
828 words 🩷

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