"Its good to see you"

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Yn pov
2:00pm Monday ~week after the ball-

I woke up upset about the whole situation i haven't talked to jaden since the ball javon just checked up on me a few time a day i just mostly slept the whole week.

I never really left the house only if i really needed to only for appointments and grocery shopping with my mom

Tonight i was going to New York  for Vogue so i needed to start packing.i got out of bed and brushed my teeth i changed into some comfy clothes

i had ordered a package of clothes it said it would come today i went downstairs and to the kitchen i walk in and see jess and javon "morning" i say to them "hi sweetheart how you feeling" jess asked "better" i say pouring my coffee "that's good" ...

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i had ordered a package of clothes it said it would come today i went downstairs and to the kitchen i walk in and see jess and javon "morning" i say to them "hi sweetheart how you feeling" jess asked "better" i say pouring my coffee "that's good" i nod i look at javon "uh how about you guys go upstairs  i have to talk to ym for a second"jess says "yea sure" i say i walk out of the kitchen and towards the door javon follows i pick up the package and we go upstairs i put my mug on the dresser and the package on my bed i turn around and javon hugs me Immediately "oh yn i missed you so much" he says mumbling into ear i hug him back "i did too javon i missed you throwing stones at my window at 10 in the morning waking me up i missed all of that" i say we pull away from the hug he kissed my forehead "it's good to see you" he says "it's good to see you too" i smile up at him "okay what are you packing for?"he asks "NEW YORK"
i say excitly "what's in new york?" "VOUGE MAGAZINE" "no way yn what when did this happen" he says "the dinner i posted a picture and they texted me asking would i go over and be on the cover and mode for them" i say smiling "omg why didn't u say anything" "cause i had the ball then the whole thing at the ball" i say looking down at my feet "he lifts up my chin "yn that's all over yes jaden maybe is still mad but that means noting he went through your phone and he shouldn't of we had to tell him sometime we didn't know when so don't worry about any of it" he says looking down at me "yea your right i can't be thinking about it right now " i say looking up at him "yea u shouldn't do you still have to pack?"he asks "yeaa wanna help?" "i can try "

we sit on the floor in my wardrobe i stand up picking out clothes i hand them to javon and he fold them into the suitcase we were at it for a while we talked and laughed i haven't laughed like that since the ball before it all happened.

"okay we all done movie" i ask "yea sure" we go to my bed and lay down "sorry it's a mess i haven't left my room all week" i say passing him a pillow "it's okay don't work as long  as you are okay" he pulls me in for a hug i lay in his chest and we watch a movie i miss being in his arms he made me feel safe i later fell asleep.

5:00 pm Monday

i woke up to javon waking me telling me to wake up "yn wakeee uppp" "i am a wake is everything okay" "ye everything is fine quick put on your shoes " "what why"i ask confused "causeee" i get up and put on my shoes i grab my phone and javon lead me downstairs "bye mom i am going out with javon" "bye sweetie have fun be back by 9" she say "i will" we go out and run over to javon's  house we get into his car he starts driving "javon where are we going" "to get some food" "what why i am not hungry" "yn you haven't left the house in a week and plus this is my last with you for a couple of day and then i go back filming" he says my heart sunk when he said he has to go back filming "oh yeah" i say "everything okay yn" "ye"i say looking at the road

we arrive at the restaurant we go in and sit at a table "hi what can i get for you too"the waiter asks "can i have pasta with water" i say "ofc and for you" she looks over at javon "just a burger and water please" "okay i will be back out with food and drinks" "okay thank you" "so when's are you going back to filming " i ask "uh Friday this week" he says my heart sunk i could feel tears forming in my eyes "oh wow so soon" "yea wish i had more time but we need to film this last season then i will be back to focus on boxing and school"hey says "oh ye sure school starts soon"i say "yea" "okayy then here is your pasta  and your burger and your two water enjoy" the waitress said handing us out food we ate and talked and payed 

we went to his car and he drove me back home "thank you javon" "anytime princess" we looked into each others eyes we leaned in and kissed "goodnight javon see you Wednesday" "Goodnight yn see you Wednesday" he said i got out and went inside and upstairs i got ready for the airport i done light makeup and changed

"yn you ready to go"my mom asked "yea all ready" my mom was going with me i brought down my suitcase and put in the car i said bye to my dad and brother "okay let's go bye guys" i said to my dad and brother "bye girls have fun" my dad said we went...

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"yn you ready to go"my mom asked "yea all ready" my mom was going with me i brought down my suitcase and put in the car i said bye to my dad and brother "okay let's go bye guys" i said to my dad and brother "bye girls have fun" my dad said we went out to the car and got in and drove to the airport we listen to music on the way there.


we just arrived at our gate to get on the plane we sat down and waited it was a while

"Gate 109 is now boarding please make your way to the doors" we got up and walked to the door i handed them my passport they checked it and i went on we were walking out to the plane.

we got on took a seat i had a window seat i put my headphones in a soon fell asleep.

An-awh cute yn and javon wonder will it last?? will jaden and yn make up?? or will jaden not forgive yn keep reading to find out x . Next part out tomorrow 🤍

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