Debutant Ball 🤍

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Yn Pov
9:32am Sunday

I woke excited for today but tried from last night. I got out of bed i went into my bathroom i brushed my teeth and hair i put on some comfy clothes as we were going to the venue to get ready over there.

i put on some tracksuit and t-shirt as i was about to leave me room the familiar sound came from my window it was javon i walked over and opened my window "Morningggg" i say smiling down at him "Morning princess you look perfect as always" he said looking up at me "awhh thank you i better be going i will see you tonight at the ball?" i ask "yea i wouldn't miss it for the world " i smiled at him and closed the window.

i went downstairs "Morning yn" my Dad caught me off guard "Morning dad where is mom"i ask "she is coming down now here is some pancakes" he says handing me the plate "thank you" i take the plate and start eating "Morning everyone" my mom says "morningg" i say looking up at her smiling "yk you have everything ready?" she asks "uh i just need to pack up my makeup that's all" i say "okay when you finish your pancakes go pack your makeup" "okayy"

i finished up my pancakes and went upstairs to pack up my makeup i took out my dress and layed it on my bed i looked at it it was so pretty.

12:00pm Sunday

The hall started at 4 so we decide to go at 12 so i would have enough time to get ready "yn do you have everything" my mom asked me "yup" i got my dress and makeup heels and tiara i walked downstairs and out to the car i put everything in the back of the car i got in and mom started driving "you nervous" she asked me "not really but i say i will when i have to walk down the stairs" "you will be fine i promise".

we arrived at the country club my mom brought in my dress and i got the rest We walked in "Hi where is the dressing room for the Debutants" my mom asked the man at the desk "up the stairs and to your right" he said smiling at us "thank you" we walked upstairs and to the room i walked in and seen a bunch of nervous girls getting there hair and makeup done. i looked at my mom and she looked at me next minute a young girl came up to us "Hi would you like to take a seat and you can get your hair and makeup done" she sails all cheery "oh ye thank you" i walked over to a empty chair i was waiting for a girl to come over.Javon had texted me

javon-everything ok princess x

Me-mhm i am just waiting to get me hair and makeup done x

Javon-you need makeup ur pretty enough x

Me-ahaha thank you oh i got to go the girl is here talk to you later x

javon-Ofc xx

"hi i am gonna be your hair and makeup artist today i am mia"she said smiling at me "hi i am yn" i say "you are gorgeous yn but what are we thinking of hair today" "maybe

"hi i am gonna be your hair and makeup artist today i am mia"she said smiling at me "hi i am yn" i say "you are gorgeous yn but what are we thinking of hair today" "maybe

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