Chapter 6 : The trust issues and anger

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In the afternoon kyun and cress come to Ryu and ask should we do a lie detector test? But Ryu couldn't think of a reason, they are asking Ryu about it but then Ryu says,"if it's your decision how can I stop it". They agree and start preparing for the test.

They gather in a hall with many investigators and Alec and Ryu were the ones who will sit on the chair and give the test with kyun and cress as the interrogators. Ryu was shocked that how can this all be prepared in just half a day. Alec already knew it because of Ryu so he was ready then first Alec sits on the chair. The wires and things connected to them and all those observational machines were annoying for Alec.

Cress starts by asking ,"Are you Alec?" He replies with a yes and the chair shows green light. Green light means truth and red light means lie and with this it is tested that the chair has no problems and that they can start the test. Cress directly asks,"were you the killer of my brother's?" Alec says,"no" and the chair shows green light. Cress was disappointed with it. Kyun then asks,"Are you Karma?" Alec replies,"ofc not" with a confidence and the chair shows green light. It was a disappointment for kyun too. They didn't ask any other question but suddenly one investigator asks,"are you working for karma?" Alec replies,"really you think that? No way I'd ever work with such a person, no i don't work for or with that person" the chair takes some seconds and then everyone think it will be a red light but again it shows green light. Here the questions end.

Then Ryu sits on the chair and it was the only hope of cress because he was so angry inside. Cress asks,"Ryu are you the killer of my brothers? Ryu replies,"no" and it was a green light then kyun asks the final question,"Ryu are you karma?" Ryu takes some seconds,Ryu was actually sad inside that they still don't beleive him even after all that hardwork he did he says no I'm not karma but until the chair shows any light suddenly every light in that hall stops working.It became dark. Just then a blast happens outside the interrogation hall and when they appear their they see that 6 dead bodies are there.It was not in agency but outside. Suddenly they here a voice."Idiots you forgot that you still don't know who karma is and while interrogation you forgot about security *laughs* so i took advantage don't think it's over there are still 4 inside save them if you can." Kyun gets shocked he starts looking around but didn't find karma anywhere. They then enter the other hall in which 4 more people were tied with rope. But they were wet with water and surrounded by electric wires they have to keep their legs in the air to save themselves from shocks but it was impossible because it causes a cramp in their legs but when one of them putted it down a blast happened and 6 blew up so now only 4 were remaining kyun says don't worry we'll help you but just then a girl's chair's one leg gets broken and she directly fall on the wires and they all die in another little blast. There were no fingerprints but then they sent the body to the forensic lab to get the slightest clue they can. Ryu was angry he punches again and again on the ground saying,"i will kill you karma" again and again. He punches so much and so hard that his hands starts to bleed, Ryu starts crying and they go back in the agency. Kyun goes and checks every place in the hall in which they died but finds nothing there. But the main question was 'Where was karma?' 'Whose voice was it if karma was not there?' but they got no answers.

Then in the evening when kyun was going on his bike with full speed to a place. Suddenly he comes across a strange rope tied there in the way, in the speed he was unable to stop his bike ,the bike flips after hitting the rope and kyun falls and slide on the ground with his legs, hands and face crushing the ground he gets badly injured he opens his eyes and tries to stand but just then, he sees karma is standing there karma points a gun directly at the head of kyun and kyun gets so scared that he starts shaking and no words came out of his mouth.

Karma says,"Hello".

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