Chapter 25: Ryu Oblue

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Kyun then tells Alec that Ryu was a kid when his parents escaped from rejected town after seeing a family burn alive in a school. They disguised themselves and escaped through a boat. They reached a new city where his mother and father started working all day and Ryu and his sister Raya lived in a little home with nothing but just some old clothes. There they slowly started living happily they lived with the names Ritsuya Oblue (his father) and Riyana Oblue (his mother). 

They slowly learned about the world around them. There was an old library free to everyone. Ryu used the library to gain all kind of knowledge. But soon after a few years the neighbours found out that they are from rejected town because of innocence of Ryu. They followed them and then beated all of them while Ryu was finding under a big box kept of a stand. He watched them kill his parents and taking his sister. They then set the house to fire and went away. They sold his sister and after a few days she was found dead. 

Ryu escaped all of them hardly and then by hiding in a truck ran faraway. 

After a few days with no food he was sitting outside a martial arts classes hoping that there are so many people inside maybe someone will give him some food. But this didn't happen. But the master of the class saw him and talked to him and took him his home and gave him some food. By the master’s conversations with others in his family Ryu got to know that they feel bad for rejected town. Ryu started trusting them and told them all that happened.

Master then started teaching Ryu all types of martial arts and made him stronger every day. While also studying in a school that master helped him to get into. The master's name is Mr. Jone. Later Mr.jone started a shop and took Ryu in. Slowly they got many other people, kind like his master got there and they all got to know about his story and accepted him and made him his friend. But they all don't know something that only Mr. Jone knows. That is Ryu has given the detective exam and has been trained for 3 years.

Alec gets astonished and just kept staring at kyun. Then Kyun tells him, “Do you really think we can suspect someone based on the card or show size or height? Ofc not. I did it just to take Ryu in the AGENCY. My subordinates were also wondering what the hell I was talking about. After taking Ryu in, he was also acting and doing weird things like me because I told him to do so. I was also there when Ryu got his training. I was there as a supervisor. Ryu was the best there. But for some reason he never was able to work for AGENCY.” Alec asks out of curiosity what was the reason to which kyun replies it was someone else’s Mistake.

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