Chapter 4 : The first showdown

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Then karma removes his another gun and says,"whoever you are, if you shoot one more time I'll shoot him with explosive bullet which will blast and this area will be destroyed" everyone reveals themselves and one of them says,"what is your goal karma?, why do you kill these people?" karma replies,"ummm... , I kill them because they are not worthy of living" the man says," my name is cress, 'cress hanting' brother of those two boys who were killed by you they were innocent why did you kill them?" karma says,"I'm sorry if I killed them but for the sake of good they had to die ,it was their destiny".Cress starts crying but doesn't show his tears he hides them with glasses and says I'll take revenge of them. I'll kill you." Karma says,"revenge won't give you anything, all you need is patience, your pain will disappear and their sacrifices will be known." Cress gets more angry and starts shooting, karma dodges all of them like they were nothing just toys ,karma then shoots that criminal and then jumps and stands on the high part of slide and says,"Listen, if you get in my way

I'll kill you" and just then the team reveals they have many weapons and equipments to capture karma and cress says"it's your last time here out free , from now on your only home will be jail". Karma starts laughing and after says,"you really thought you can capture me with that hahahahahaha , you can try".

Karma was between the cannons so it was easy target and they start with firing cannons karma dodges them like dancing again and again while dodging them karma says" is it all you got? you thought you can catch me with just some mere cannons hahahaha foooooools!" then a big net appears over karma from above but as soon as he realises, he got caught. Cress laughs and says," what happened karma now show me your laugh , come on laugh" he shouts it with anger. karma says ,"I'm getting bored " and suddenly smoke started releasing from karma's outfit and the whole place gets covered up in smoke they start coughing cress shouts," don't let him run!" one of the teammates of cress then starts a fan-like gadget that blows away all the smoke and what they see astonished them. They saw that the nets are burned and karma is not in there. They start looking around in a hurry and cress shouts in anger ,"where the hell did he escaped?" just then they see a card at the place where the net was.On the card it was written:-

'I was getting late so i escaped but don't worry, I'll come again'

They then went back to the AGENCY(headquarters). there they call everyone Ryu and kyun and the whole team come there and asks you failed to catch him? and he shows the footage. After watching it they started wondering how he makes that much gadgets and outfit like that and all those weapons. After that Ryu says,"here look closely we can see that the shoes he wear has a star sign in it. Maybe it is from some shop ,like their logo?"

Kyun says,"so it wasn't wrong about you you're really good at observation.

ok then everyone investigate about that sign ,we have to get a clue".

After some time passed one of the investigators named San says,"I found it, it's from the royal mall. They put a star mark just like that one on all of their products" Then they go to the mall and ask the owner questions like 'do you know karma?' 'do you help him' everyone stops and realise that it's a really bad idea to ask them like this we have to check the CCTV cameras Ryu again looks at them and says ," Who made you investigator?, tell me of what date would you check the footage? which camera? and how will you even identify him ,he is not a cosplayer ,he is a criminal why would he roam around with his outfits on? idiots" everyone starts feeling that they are dumb and kyun says, " you're right let's look at the design of the shoe and identify the size so that we can still investigate your shop" Ryu gets sad inside because they still don't have trust in him and his friends after that they go to the HQ again and after a lot of time and effort with multi calculations they find about the size of the shoe they then ask ryu to bring all his friends there. Ryu brings everyone there and then they measure everyone's size and unfortunately Ryu and Alec both's measurements were the same.

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