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Bonnie was in a state of shock when Klaus placed her on her living room sofa. It was so dark she could barely make out his face.

The lights in the entire house suddenly turned on.

Klaus raised an eyebrow. He took his leather jacket off and wrapped it around Bonnie's shoulders, "I'll be right back," he promised. He needed to take care of the body. The last thing they needed was for the neighbors to see a headless corpse on the Bennett's front yard.

Bonnie nodded and tried to regain her composure. She had been attacked. Someone had nearly killed her. She could still feel the phantom fingers squeezing her neck tightly.

Don't think about, don't think about, block it all out...

The image of the man's head falling over and rolling towards her would be forever engraved in her mind.

Bonnie closed her eyes shaking.

Who was he? Why had he come for her? Was he one of the five?

When Klaus came back a few minutes later, Bonnie couldn't help but stare at his hands covered in blood and mud. The same hands that had easily tore a man's head from his body just minutes before, the hands that had touched her so intimately three nights ago.

"What did you do?" Bonnie asked, thankful to be able to speak again. There was a dull pain on her neck but it was quickly fading.

"I ripped him apart and buried him in your backyard." Klaus informed her nonchalantly. "How's the neck?"

Bonnie stared at him in shock, "you...what?"

Klaus kneeled in front of her and inspected her neck. Bonnie's heart skipped a beat at his closeness. "What did you expect love? For me to call the police and inform them I just murdered someone?"

Bonnie opened her mouth and promptly closed it again. He had a point.

"I think the better question is why did he come for you?" Klaus studied her face carefully. Did she have any idea the trouble she was in?

"I don't know. I've never seen him before today." The only person who could want her dead had been the one that saved her and- Bonnie's eyes went wide, "Silas do you think-?"

"That he sent a hunter after you, I wouldn't put it pass him."

Silas was a problem that they needed to deal with. Klaus hadn't forgotten the way that bastard had made him believed he had been stabbed with the white oak stake. Anyone who could manipulate an Original's mind was dangerous and needed to be destroyed. But this attack was different. Silas couldn't command such hunter.

"I don't think he's behind this attack." Klaus reached into his pocket and pulled the gold chain that had been around the hunter's neck, "Do you recognize this?"

Bonnie stared at the jewel and took it from his hand. It was a rather small tear shaped stone but its deep red color was mesmerizing. "It glowed, when I used my magic. I think it protected him somehow by blocking my magic."

"He was a witch hunter." Klaus informed her.

Bonnie's brow furrowed, "witch hunters exist?"

Klaus chuckled, "Witches maybe the servants of nature but they have been persecuted for centuries." How young, Klaus thought. There was still so much she didn't know. So much she had yet to learn about her kind.

"This is a charm, it's used to protect the hunter from magic," Klaus explained, "were the hunter alive you wouldn't be able to touch it. It is unique to this specific hunter. It wouldn't work on anyone else but him."

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