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The moment Matt noticed Bonnie had disappeared, he alerted Rebekah. Jesse and Riley took off into the woods in search for her immediately while Angelica used her magic to track her down. Felix and Belle waited with them as well.

"Klaus is not answering." Belle told them. She had left at least six different messages for him.

"Neither is Elijah." Rebekah eyed the dark haired witch.

Angelica had Bonnie's favorite teddy bear in her hands as she chanted a locator spell, nothing happened. She tried again and nothing. She couldn't find Bonnie.

"What is taking you so bloody long?" Rebekah demanded. She was desperate every minute they waited for the spell to work, they were wasting precious time to help Bonnie.

"I can't find her. There is something...blocking me." Angelica murmured keeping her eyes closed as she clutched the bear in her hands and continued with the locator spell.

"What if you tried another spell?" Matt suggested.

Angelica opened her eyes. "The only other locator spell I could try is by using her blood." She told Matt. "Unless you are related to Bonnie, I don't see how we could locate her like that."

Rebekah bit her lip. "Using blood for the locator spell..." she eyed Angelica with uncertainty. They didn't have Bonnie's blood but the baby, the baby was a Mikaelson. Maybe Angelica could use her blood to track her little niece or nephew. "Will it make it easier to find Bonnie?"

"Maybe," Angelica said softly. "There is something blocking me, almost like a cloaking spell." There was something meddling with her magic and Angelica didn't know what it was.

"And there is something preventing us from leaving the property." Jesse informed them as he stepped back into the living room.

"What are you talking about?" Felix spoke for the first time.

"Every time we try to cross the barrier and leave the grounds there is an invisible force blocking us." Riley explained. He looked at Angelica, "can you do something about it?" She had placed the protection spell around the property in the first place.

Angelica nodded and exited the house, the hybrids following after her. Rebekah stayed behind a thoughtful look on her face.

"What's wrong?" Matt asked.

"This is no ordinary attack." She murmured. "Bonnie wouldn't just leave the house like that. She's never been to New Orleans and we just got here yesterday she barely knows the property."

"What are you saying?"

"What if the coven that wants her dead knows that she's here? What if they attacked again?" Fear and worry gripped at her heart. Bonnie was out there on her own. Nik would dagger her for the next two centuries if any harm came to Bonnie or his baby while on Rebekah's watch.

Belle came rushing back inside a few minutes later."Angelica can't break the barrier but she thinks she knows who's doing this." She yelled. "Come, quick!"

Rebekah and Matt hurried out of the house, running until they reached the invisible barrier Angelica had created to protect the property.

Angelica sat on the ground, blood pouring out her nose. Jesse was holding her while Felix fed her his blood.

"What happened?" Rebekah asked.

"The spell backfired when she tried to break the barrier." Riley explained. "Something is messing with her magic." And whatever it was, it was really powerful.

"How is that even possible? You placed the spell in the first place you should be able to break it." Rebekah said frustrated by the whole situation.

Angelica wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and stared at the Original blonde. "There is only one group of people powerful enough to mess with my magic in this way."

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